Chapter 20: Empty Basement Banter And An Apology

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Unfortunately, Alex didn't hold her like she thought he would in the basement. She had imagined him encircling his arms around her as they sat on the cold concrete floor together, but apparently not.

On the contrary, he had put a fairly decent gap between them, and was sitting with Mr.Tibbs in his lap, giving more attention to her stupid cat than her.

It made her feel lonely, even though he was sitting right next to her. He hadn't even spoken properly to her since they got down there.

But he must still have some sort of feelings for her. Why else would he risk his life coming here for her? He must feel something.

Suddenly, the ceiling started to shake, and dust fell from the cracks in the plaster.

Alex jumped, and Kit shivered, knowing all too well what had caused the ceiling to crumble ever so slightly.

Feeling miserable, Kit curled herself into a tight ball, hugging her knees close to her chest, hoping that things were going to be okay when this was all over.

Then out of the blue, Alex spoke up.

"You could of just told me."

Kit uncurled herself slightly.

"Could have just told you what?" she demanded.

Alex took a shaky breath.

" and Cam...have a thing for each other. I wouldn't have taken you out. I wouldn't have made things more complicated then they needed to be." he said, voice void of any emotion, whatsoever.


"No, Kit. I don't....I don't want you to apologise, because....because you weren't in the wrong at all. I was being delusional, thinking that maybe, just maybe, the pretty girl who roller skates to school might actually like me;" he paused, puffing out his cheeks as he brushed his fringe off of his sweaty forehead, eyeliner on full view now.

He was speaking as if he had built up this speech from the previous night. She could picture him standing in front of a dusty mirror, reciting his speech over an over in his Spider-Man boxers.

"I'm not blaming you for not feeling the same way though....I mean I know I'm just that punk rock kid that has zero money to take you out to places that you'd like go. I pretty much can't even afford a movie theatre ticket, let alone a reservation at a fancy restaurant." he sounded depressed.

"But what I'm trying to say is; that I'll keep my distance if you want, and that maybe Cam's right, I really am no good for you." he finished, sounding like he had a lump in his throat.

Kit stared at him, a perplexed look on her face as he refused to return her stare, eyes glued to the concrete floor, little particles of dust in his hair, making him look a bit like one of those sad statues you'd see in the park that all the pigeons pooped on.

But the truth was, Alex had it all wrong.

The last thing Kit wanted was for him to keep his distance. And she was being an idiot, she really was, because, she was letting Alex blame himself for fucking up. It was making her feel sick in the stomach.

So she uncurled herself altogether and scooted a little closer to him until her roller skates touched off his battered converse, and he stiffened, not quite sure what to make of the contact.

"I fucked up." she said quietly, and she saw his mouth twitch, but he didn't comment on it.

"I know....what you would be hard to erase it from your mind. I mean, it's still scarring me to be honest." she said, now leaning slightly against his shoulder, her stomach tying in knots when she realised he wasn't edging away from her anymore.

"But I...I would really like it if we could start all over. Properly." she said, the words now pouring out of her before she could stop them.

"Properly?" he echoed, shifting slightly so he was looking down at the top of her head.

She looked up and met his eyes, the familiar warmth from his hazel irises making her feel fuzzy.

" know...." she fidgeted focused on his eyelashes. They were really dark. Darker than his hair, and they were super long. It was such a waste to put such good eyelashes on a guy, honestly.

And then suddenly it clicked with him, what she was trying to say, and he went very red, like bright red when he realised what was going on. He was still looking down at her, and then she wondered if she had blown it completely with him now.

She swallowed as she looked back down, her face hot as she drew little circles with her finger into the ground, trying to distract herself.

"I was stupid Alex. I shouldn't have let Cam push me like that. I just....I just want you to know, that I didn't like it. That every second of the whole situation, I wished it was you." she choked out, hand now trembling so that her imaginary circles were probably all squiggly and messed-up.

"And I'm sorry." she added, just for good measure.

It was silent for a while then, but it was a strange silence, the air seemed less dense, and when she felt a pair of lips brush the top of her head, she looked up eagerly, only to see Alex smiling at her, his smile kind of crooked, with no teeth showing, just his thin lips.

"So does this mean I'm your boyfriend?" he asked quietly, and she actually squealed in his face as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck, him chuckling the whole time.

And when she kissed him, it was every bit as good as she remembered, his lips warm, still tasting a bit like cookies and a slight bit of tobacco (which was fine with her).

And they stayed like that, for how long, she didn't know, but the world of bombs, war and destruction was forgotten in that period of time that her lips were pressed against his.

Just for a while.



Kit Parker was his.

Kit Parker was his.

God, he wanted to shout it from the top of the world until his lungs were deflated and he couldn't shout it anymore.

And even better, Stella and his mom were okay (he owed it all to Kit for letting him use her house phone to call his mom).

When they had finally decided it was safe to go outside, the only thing that seemed to have been damaged was the church. The roof was on fire and the building was an absolute wreck, but nobody had been announced injured or dead.

And what was even better was, Kit walked into school holding his hand, putting both of them on full display of all the gawping pupils who stared at both of them as they walked in together, his hair slightly messy (horrifically un-puck rock, but what could you do?).

The teachers just looked relieved, but Drew and his clique were fuming silently at him, cracking their knuckles and scowling in his direction.

They were probably irked that he managed to survive.

He kissed Kit in front of them all.

Fuck them anyway.


a/n: early hours of the morning update because I was hella busy today. My eyes are like, fighting to stay open, it's kinda funny.

Omg so srsly I'm kinda obsessed with the band As It Is bc whoa they're so good, making me feel extra pop punky.

Patty Walters you cutie.

So yah. lets cheer for this chapter bc Kalex or whatever. yay!¡!¡¡!

p.s I hope this chapter isn't mumbo jumbo omg.

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