Chapter 16: The Underground

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"The Underground? Me? In a place like that? Are you insane?"

"I-I-It was only a suggestion...."

"Alex, I don't know, I mean, I've heard about some of the stuff that happens there...." she trailed off and wrung her hands together as they sat outside her house in Stella, the sun highlighting the dust particles floating in the air.

Alex had decided to drop her home, but with a proposal to go to the Underground with him later that night.

Not her kind of idea of a first date ( which would be implying that Alex was her boyfriend, which he wasn't actually, but well....a girl could hope).

Kit and Cam used to hear bad things about the Underground from people who went in school (back when Cam wasn't acting like a total dweeb the whole time).

People smoking weed, people breaking arms in mosh pits, heavy drinking, all of this in the name of 'Punk Rock'.

It was where all the punks hung out, and of course, she should of known;

It was where Alex hung out.

How she hadn't seen him asking her there before, she would never know. Ignorance was definitely a large portion of it, but she had never imagined Alex asking her to go with him.

"You don't have to go. Really, it's fine. I was just wondering--"

"No, Alex. I want to go. Its just that..." she trailed off, looking out the window awkwardly.

"I don't want to sound like a kid who's scared of the dark, but like I heard bad things happen there Things like weed and alcohol" she blurted out, and Alex actually smiled at her, and there, in his rusty old truck, his hazel eyes looked really good with his eyeliner on, like really good

"I'll look after you then. And I swear, weed isn't that bad--"

"What?" she gasped.

Alex's smile faded and an anxious look replaced it.

"Never mind, look, I'll pick you up at eight of you want, and if you don't feel comfortable in going, we can do something else. I just want to hang out with you tonight." he said softly, and she bit her lip.

"I'll see you at eight then."



What the fuck was she supposed to wear to this?

She was tearing her wardrobe apart, frantically searching for something, anything, that looked punky or even goth.

Just something black.

Funnily enough, she didn't actually own any black clothes due to the mere fact that her style was based off the colourful patterns and groovy designs of the 60's. Bright eye shadow, legwarmers and mini-skirts were her thing.

How Alex was attracted to her, she didn't know. He was made for someone like Penelope Cray (Stoner Steve's girlfriend) or Quinn (if she wasn't gay).

Wearing her mom's old Guns N' Roses t-shirt was out of the question. Alex had already seen that on her. (Yes, laugh a her for being a typical girl, but she wanted to actually impress Alex tonight).


But in the meantime, she was left to rummage through what she had, as Alex had given her such short notice.

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