Chapter 21: Mr.Barakat And The Talk

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Seeing Kit arrive outside his door while he was fixing it was not exactly Alex's idea of perfect timing.

First off, he was a mess, sawdust all over him, a second hand pair of protection goggles over his eyes, nails in his mouth and a hammer in his hand.

He wasn't even wearing his eyeliner at the time. It was disastrous. Thank God had managed to patch up the windows the day before, and even better, his mom had been a saint to paint over the spray paint last night before she went to bed.

He spat out the nails and shoved them into his pocket, throwing down the hammer as Kit came running up to him, her striped scarf flailing behind her as she sprinted forward, tumbling into his arms as he hugged her tightly.

"Hi there." she giggled, her voice muffled because her face was buried into his chest (he prayed to God she wouldn't get any splinters from the wood shavings on his shirt).

She pulled away and gave him an odd look as she took in his appearance.

"Are you hammering a piece of wood onto your door?" she asked quizzically, her mouth twicthing slightly.

She was trying hard not to laugh.

"I uhm...yeah. I am." he said awkwardly, taking a second of look at the piece of wood he was hammering onto the door.

It was crooked.

She looked at him curiously.

"Is everything alright?" she asked, her voice suspicious.

Alex began to panic. She couldn't know about Drew and Cam's raid of his house. It would only upset her. So he lied.

"Someone uhm....someone tried to break in. It's alright though. Everything's alright." he assured her, but he wasn't sure if she was fooled or not. Eventually she just shrugged and swiped a cookie off the little table his mom had brought out for him.

"So, I was thinking, well not thinking. Actually, I was reading in my room." she said, tapping her finger off the side of her head thoughtfully.

Alex took a second to admire her inquisitive mind. Something he'd never get tired of. Not that he'd ever get tired of Kit in his life anytime soon.

"And I like, came across this poem that was like really good. Like really, really good, and you know how much I hate poetry, but when I read this poem, I thought you'd like to hear it!" she said excitedly.

"I learned it and all. Just for you." she added, looking slightly proud.

Her cheeks were rosy and her nose was red from the cold. He wondered if she had ran all the way to his house.

"I mean, if you're too busy fixing your door, I can recite it some other time, but I had to see you and--" she was cut off by his mom opening her window upstairs, her face and upper torso popping out, and Alex groaned when he saw that she was only in a towel.

"Hullo Kit! Or should I say, Alex's girlfriend!" she trilled out the window, waving frantically down at them.

Alex face palmed himself.

"Hi Missus Gaksarth!" beamed Kit, waving back up at her, revealing her purple mittens.

"Mom, please go and put some clothes on!" he yelled up at her, and she stuck her tongue out at him.

"I'm only saying hi to my, soon to be daughter-in-law!" she yelled, and Alex sighed as Kit blushed profusely.

"Don't mind her." he said quickly, before sending his mom a glare.

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