Chapter 29: Too Much

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The town hall that had been temporarily turned into the base for the army was rather shabby--in his opinion. Dust particles floated around the place making his nose itch, apple cores littered the floor, the ceiling looked as if it were about to cave in, and Alex swore he saw a mouse darting around the place.

Quite the opposite of what he had expected off men like them. He had had a vision of a more pristine bunch of people, standing attention and staying vigilant, alert.

Not ten guys smoking cigars and playing poker around a shitty little table.

He shuffled into the hall and to the back of the long line of men and boys who were signing up at a vacant table that had forms scattered on it. The ten--what looked like generals--were paying no attention whatsoever to the line.

Alex peeked a look at the guys that surrounded him as he stuffed his hands into his pockets.

Some of them didn't even look sixteen yet. They were underage, signing up for things they didn't understand. They had no idea that they wouldn't be sitting around a cosy table playing poker to their hearts content.

They probably were dreaming of a world of glory and victory. Maybe they were trying to impress a girl.

But not him.

He was simply trying to fix a situation.

"Aren't you a little young to be signing up for the army, kiddo?"

Alex turned around and saw an old man with a walking stick looking at him curiously. He was awfully wrinkled, and didn't look like a man who listened to punk rock in his past.

"I'm nineteen." he said quietly, trying to ignore the piecing stare of the elder.

The old man snorted.

"Aye. You'll need a bit of training lad. With those skinny arms of yours. Those European soldiers will eat you up, chew you, and spit you out."

Alex swallowed. Of course he knew he was in no shape to enlist in an army. He had heard that the training was intense, but if this was the only solution to fixing the problem, then Alex didn't really have the liberty to do nothing.

"I'm signing up because I need to make my girl happy." he said, maybe being a little forward and honest with the old stranger.

The old man raised a silver eyebrow.

"She a bully?" he asked, his wrinkled face scrunched up.

"Oh God no. She's far from it." Alex said quickly, making the old man laugh.

"It's love then, eh? You're here because of love." he cackled.

Alex scooted up the line, the old man trailing behind him until they came to another stop.

He frowned at the mention of the 'love' word. He didn't quite recall the word slipping out of his mouth when he had been in Kit's company, and she certainly hadn't said it to him. He would of remembered it if she had.

"It's a long story." Alex said eventually, scratching his head and pushing his stud back into his nose.

"Well I'll tell you son, I've heard plenty of them." the old man chuckled, scratching his beard.

There was a brief silence between them as they continued to work their way up the line.

"It's her best friend, you see." Alex blurted out, making the old man give him a look.

"She's....she's upset that he joined the army. He's a bit of a bubble brain, and can't think for himself. She's scared he'll die out there." he said in a big mouthful.

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