Chapter 11: Fistfights And Nosebleeds

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Oh dear God.

Oh dear fucking God.

Was she leaning in to kiss him?

No, no he couldn't do this.

He couldn't fucking do this.

Jesus-fucking Christ she was so beautiful up close. How the frickety-frack had he made her want to kiss someone like him?

She was inches away from him now, her eyelids fluttering shut as she went up on the balls of her feet to reach up closer to him.

So in a flurry of panic and incredible awkwardness, Alex pinched his eyes shut and went straight in, head first to kiss Kit Parker.

Bad idea.

Instead of his lips pressing softly against hers, he missed his target completely an ended up head-butting her while managing to smack his nose off hers too.

"Ow!" she yelped, pulling back and clutching her nose in her hand.

You fucking idiot, Alex cursed internally to himself.

"Shit Kit, I'm so sorry!" he gushed apologetically, cringing as he realised that her nose was full on bleeding.

But then, instead of the catastrophe that Alex had been expecting to have been caused, something miraculous happened.

Kit Parker laughed.

Kit Parker, despite having a blood a nose and probably the worst kiss attempt ever, laughed in his face.

"Guess kissing isn't your thing, eh?" she giggled, and Alex nodded mutely.

She shrugged and bid him goodnight before disappearing to the steps of her porch, leaving him utterly dumbfounded in her front lawn.

When she was gone, he laughed too, a drunken happiness filling him up as he ran a hand through his hair.

If this was what falling for Kit Parker felt like, then he was ready to free fall into the abyss that was her.



Cam was changing.

There was no doubt about it.

To be perfectly honest, Kit knew that every teenager went through their fazes. Who could forget the time that she used to have a perm? Or the time she collected Trolls?

But that was different.

The point was, Kit had never seen anybody change so dramatically and so quickly in her entire eighteen years of living.

Suddenly, because he was wearing a fancy new jacket, Cam kept on swinging his arms around her everywhere they went, acting like they were dating. Plus, he roamed the school like he owned it.

They now sat at the jock and cheerleader table too, and Kit felt like she was losing brain cells taking to Dani and her minions about "how cute the guys looked in their football outfits."

Deep down, Kit felt an urge to try and with Alex at lunch, under the willow tree.

He usually at alone with his headphones on while puffing on a cigar, but unfortunately, she couldn't escape the prep table with Cam locking her into him nearly all day.

Occasionally, Dani would point over at Alex and make rude remarks about him, and start rhyming off the number of 'crimes' he had committed, which made Kit's blood boil.

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