Chapter 6: Carousel

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He was going to ask her.

He was going to ask her.

He clutched the flyer in his sweaty palm. Why was he freaking out? It wasn't like he hadn't asked a girl out before.....

Oh wait.

He hadn't.

He checked his watch anxiously.


He had left his house earlier just to be sure he didn't miss her.

It was Monday today, which meant today marked the whole one week anniversary of him starting public school-not that anybody cared (except his mom).

He looked around, making sure that the street was empty, then, when he was sure he was alone, he licked his hand and tried to flatten his hair.

When he was sure it was flattened, he sniffed under his arms and adjusted his nose ring.

Then he heard it.

The familiar sound of wheels rolling down the pavement.

What was he supposed to do? Act natural? Act cool?

He reached into his pocket for his cigarettes, but found that they weren't there.


He looked up as the sound of the rolling wheels came closer towards him.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"No music this morning, I see." she said as she came to a sudden stop in front of him.

Blue eye shadow.

She was wearing blue eye shadow.

He scratched he back of his neck, trying to think of the right words to say.

"I left my music at home." he said, his voice sounding strained.

She raised an eyebrow at him, not buying it, (she never really did seem to buy his cheap lies).

"Nice morning." he blurted out, and he mentally kicked his own ass. Weather? Why out of all topics did he had to choose weather?

She looked at him, a slightly weirded-out look on her face.

"It's supposed to rain." she said, and at that moment, he wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

"I like the rain." he said, trying to recover. It wasn't exactly a lie, He really did like the rain. It made him smile and feel relaxed.

She smirked at him.

"So Alex Gaskarth likes the rain and Nirvana, aye?" she asked, looking slightly amused.

"No....I mean, yes! Yes!" he gushed, awkwardly.

She chuckled, and she started to skate off.

He just blew it.


"Wait! Kit!" he cried, jumping off the wall and chasing after her, waving the flyer in the air.

She stopped skating and twirled around, her mini-skirt spinning with her.

He caught up to her and held out the flyer, trying to cover up his embarrassment.


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