Chapter 13: The Rocky Road Of Friendship

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"This is incredible!"

"Yes Kit, it's called rain. Haven't you heard of it before?"

"Shut up." she said, but she was smiling because damn did he look cute with his hair soaking wet and his eyeliner running down his face. And then the rain was bouncing off his leather jacket making Kit want to kiss him again but she was too damn shy.

She ran ahead and jumped into a puddle, her feet getting soaked as she splashed Alex and everything around her (which wasn't much because it was 2am in the morning and the street was deserted).

After hours of lying with Alex on his bed, listening to a number of vinyls and sharing little talks, Kit had began to feel her eyelids droop as the familiar feeling of fatigue fell on her, meaning they had to call it a night.

Mrs.Gaskarth had insisted on Alex walking her home, but halfway down the street, the dark clouds covering the night sky had burst open, and they were getting soaked to the skin.

But Kit was embracing it.

She had never actually been in the pouring rain before. She blamed her hatred for getting wet on Mr.Tibbs. (the grumpy old cat that he was).

Every time it rained, she would immediately find shelter or stay inside (her cat senses kicking in). Perhaps it was the feeling of damp clothes that turned her off the idea of staying out in the rain, or maybe it was the thoughts of getting wet that didn't appeal to her.

But at two o'clock in the morning with Alex next to was different. Everything felt different with Alex. When Alex was around, it was like infinity was just a daydream away, or perhaps beside them, waiting to snatch them and take both of them away forever.

"Here we are." she said as she stopped in front of her front lawn. She looked up at Alex and he nodded, his eyes staring at his shoelaces.

"Cool." he said, biting his lip, raindrops sliding down his face.

"Rad place you got there." he added, jabbing his thumb in the direction of her house.

She waited for a moment, wondering if he was going to say anything else or perhaps about the kiss, but when he shoved his hands into his pockets and started to look around awkwardly, she felt a slight pang of disappointment in her gut (and heart for that matter).

"Well....goodnight then." she said softly, but he grabbed her arm before she had even taken a step away.

"Kit--I...." he trailed off, seeming to choke on his words.

"Yeah?" she said, her heart rate picking up.

"I...well....uhmm..." he was stumbling over his words now, which was making her feel giddy. Thunder boomed from above, but both of them ignored it.

He looked up at her and reached out, his fingers trembling as he brushed her sopping wet hair behind her ear.

He leaned in and kissed her gently, and her insides literally melted because God was kissing Alex good. It was like each kiss made her fall slightly more for him.

When he pulled away, she pressed his forehead against his and giggled, playing with the neckline of his saturated shirt, her eyes trained on his neck.

"When can I see you again?" he whispered, but loud enough so she could hear him over the pouring rain.

She smirked up at him and a shy look spread across his face.

"I'm free tomorrow." she said, a little breathlessly.

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