Chapter 12: Kisses Like Cookies

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Kit shifted awkwardly from foot to foot as she smiled awkwardly at a disheveled looking Alex.

"Hullo." Kit said, crinkling her eyes as she smiled wider at him.

He was dressed sloppily, Nirvana t-shirt, plaid shirt, ripped jeans and as usual, smudgy black eyeliner covered his waterline and eyelids. His hair was like bird's nest around his head, and a new bruise was on his left eye. His arm was scratched too, and the way he held himself, he looked sore.

He wiped his nose with the sleeve of his ratty plaid shirt, his hazel brown eyes fixed on her. They were slightly watery, probably from the smoke off his cigars.

Disorientated guitars blared from upstairs and Alex looked very uncomfortable at the prospect of her being there.

"What are you doing here?" he asked wearily, confirming her suspicions.

She took a deep breath.

"I uhm...I came here to thank you." she said quietly, wringing her hands together anxiously.

"Oh." he said distantly, avoiding her eyes.

"The fight in didn't have to do that, you know. It was really....brave of you to stand up to Ed in front of everyone." she said bashfully.

"He deserved it." Alex said softly, but his eyes were blazing.

More silence, more blank spaces that needed to be filled before the conversation turned to dust.

He cleared his throat.

"I'll see you in school, Kit." he said softly, and proceeded to shut the door, but Kit jammed her foot in the door before it could close completely.

"Wait!" she spluttered, and Alex opened the door just a crack.

"I-I was kind of hoping that...." she trailed off, eyes flickering anywhere but him.

"I was hoping that maybe....I could come in?" she asked anxiously, feeling her forehead sweating.

Alex opened the door again, his expression ranging from utterly bewildered.


"Alex? Who are you talking to at the door?" chirped a voice as light footsteps filled the air.

"Is that Kit? Kit Parker? The one who lost her cat?"

Kit watched as a women that was nearly the spitting image of Alex came into view, her brown eyes sparkling, a tattered apron around her neck.

Alex groaned.

"Mom, not now--"

"Do come in, won't you? Alex has never actually had a girl over, you know--"


"Shut it Alexander." she said crossly, and Alex cringed as she gave Kit a warm smile.

"Come inside. It's not much, mind you, but it's home."



Having Kit Parker in his house was really stressing him out. He had never, ever imagined someone like her wanting to come into his house. His house was literally faulty towers--wallpaper peeling off the walls in every room, the carpet having weird stains in it, and it was tiny, really tiny, for a two story house anyway.

But there she was, sitting at his crooked table, a chipped mug in her hand, chatting away to his mom about school and plans for college.

She was looking extra pretty today, swapping her mini skirt for a spotty dress. She was always dressed immaculately though, the more he thought about it. It was one of his favourite things about her.

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