Chapter Eight

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(Sam's POV)

How long until I lost the Lucy glow?

Every time I caught a glimpse of my face in my rearview I was met with that silly grin still on my face. Tash, as always, had impeccable timing.

There was nothing to be done about it, I knew she wouldn't be calling me for help if it wasn't needed. Especially not when I was finally on a date with Lucy. Tash had been 'shipping (her words not mine) us since meeting Lucy at Declan and Lee's wedding.

I flashed back to the high five Lucy offered me at Declan and Lee's front step, as we said goodbye tonight. The entire thing made me grimace, not exactly how I had pictured our first date ending. In fact, in comparison with the rest of our date and how wonderful it had been, the ending had left a lot to be desired.

When I had reached out to grasp her hand as we walked back to my truck, I had come up empty. Lucy had kept her hands in her pockets, commenting on how cold it was. It was not. In fact, I was pretty sure the night had gotten warmer.

However, whether it was from her disappointment or my own, the mood of the night had most definitely gotten icier.

I reassured myself that I would make it up to her and hoped she genuinely realized I would only have ended it so suddenly, for an actual emergency.

I hadn't ever wanted it to end.

The dashboard lit up to let me know that Brian was calling and I pushed any thoughts of Lucy out of my mind. I cleared my throat before answering. "Hello Dad." The name stuck in my throat. His choices had long ago altered his title, in my mind. He would forever be Brian in my heart, but I needed to play nice right now because I was going to need his help.

My dad's growly tone rumbled through the line and irritation pricked at my skin as he said immediately, "as I told your... friend we don't know that anything untoward has happened. You are both overreacting."

My eyes caught on my reflection for a moment, it had taken him ten seconds to suck every sediment of happiness from my features. I would consider any reaction other than panic an underreaction. But, that was just me. "Yes. Tash informed me. But don't you think it's odd that a sixteen year old girl has left her car in the middle of nowhere, with her phone and wallet inside? There's nothing suspicious about that?"

"I don't care for your tone, Sam. This isn't your average sixteen year old girl that we are talking about." His voice took on the shaming tone that still visited me in my nightmares. "You haven't been home for a while. You don't know what kind of girl you are talking about. She's probably out hustling to make some extra cash."

Jesus Christ.

Knowing full well, he was a prejudiced piece of shit, I questioned him about it. "Are you telling me that you have proof that Tanya is prostituting herself?"

"No. That's not what I said but that girl is off the deep end, Sam. I'm not wasting police resources when she's going to end up at home in bed by the morning. You, mark my words."

I would not. I would never believe anything my father said, far too aware of how his views coloured his thinking on others. But, I needed to play this smart.

I eased some friendliness into my tone. I could play the part of the caring son... I hoped. "Okay, I trust your instincts."I paused needing to swallow around the lies. "But Dad, have you considered the power that Tasha now holds? What if you are wrong? I would be extra cautious with a family member like that."

He was silent for a good while, the only noise in the truck was my turn signal as I made my way onto the highway. I knew my words were sinking in. Tasha was the top reporter for the Globe and Mail. She had a strong voice and an even stronger following. My dad was smart enough that he would be aware of what she would do, if he was wrong. If Tanya wasn't home, safe in her bed, in the morning.

"Okay, I still say it's a waste of resources but just in case I'll have a couple officers do a search of the woods by her car and I'll pull in some overtime for the night." I breathed a sigh of relief.

Just in case...

"Fuck. Sam it's Lake Ridge, what is the worst that could happen here?" He sounded tired and I realised, I didn't even know how many years he had left.

When was the last time that I saw him?

"I would have said the same thing about Fenelon until a few years ago. I think it's smart to always consider the worst, no matter where you live. Monsters can live anywhere."

His doubt came across the line. "Yeah."

I waited for an argument but when I didn't get one I explained, "Look, I'm an hour away. I'm going to come back so that I can offer whatever assistance I can."

I had called Lincoln as soon as I dropped Lucy off and he had reassured me that there were plenty of officers that would be able to pick up the slack if Josie had her baby.

"I'll be waiting for you at the station." He said it like a threat and then the line went dead and my soft rock playlist popped back on.

"Goodbye to you too, Brian." I hit the power button, needing to silence the truck and try to ease the tension that was taking hold of my shoulders. I stared at the empty highway in front of me.

First time I've ever hoped Brian was right.

I truly hoped that Tanya was home safe, in her bed come the morning. However there was a heaviness in my gut that had me rushing home.

Plus, I trusted Tash's instincts a whole shit ton more than the man who had fathered me and she was terrified that something bad had happened.

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