Chapter Thirty-Six

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(Sam's POV)

"How are we supposed to move forward when everyone forces themselves into the suspect category?" We'd made it back into my truck and were just sitting there. It wasn't quite four yet but I could tell that Lucy was spent and all I wanted to do was go home so we could get some rest.

"Our experience in Fenelon was not the norm. It's not uncommon for us to come into a town and people to not want us there. It doesn't help that they associate us with whatever horrible thing is happening, even though we're there to stop it." She gave a shrug like it didn't matter.

"Jesus. Give me my small town deputy job any day. This is not fun." I reached out and played with her fingers while we talked. Being able to touch her freely like this was new and I didn't want to ever stop.

"You thought hunting for kidnappers and killers was going to be fun?" She gave a sharp laugh.

"No. But I at least thought people would appreciate the fact that we were here. That we are trying to figure it out and keep them safe." That's how I had felt when her team had come to my town. "I mean I was grateful for you guys."

She gave me a shy smile before she stated, "Yah, but you're special, Sam."

I shrugged like her compliment didn't make my heart pump a little bit harder and asked, "What now? Where to from here."

"Bed." I coughed at her answer and her wide eyes met mine. "Oh my god. No. Not like that."

Let's say not yet like that.

I kept my thoughts to myself. Not sure if she was ready for how invested I was in this.

The ringing phone interrupted us and I realised she was attached to my car's bluetooth. Her face turned beet-red. "Sorry when I was driving over to the Lawsons, I connected myself because it was easier."

"Lucy, what's mine is yours. Don't worry. Now don't you think you should answer?" I hoped she was starting to get the message, she couldn't overstep here. 

It wasn't often that she was visibly rattled. She rubbed at her forehead and then hit the green button. "Charlie, hi."

His deep voice resonated through my truck, no greeting just right to business. "I'm trying to get a Judge to expedite our warrant but haven't had any luck yet. Let me work on that and have the snap chat file for you by the morning." Lucy sighed with relief.

Charlie wasn't done, "I also talked to Lee and we contacted the non-profit missing persons group we used in Manitoba last year. They've contacted a sister organization in Ontario and we've got twenty volunteers on their way to canvas for Ally."

"That'll be so helpful. Sam and I just finished at the church, we'll head to the precinct now so we can help."

Charlie interrupted her. "No. Lee's organizing. Duncan and Trigg are coming in as volunteers. Let them handle it. You and Sam take the night off."

Lucy opened her mouth and I could see an argument forming but she closed it again when he said, "You can't be your best if you're exhausted, Luce and you were already tired coming into this. It doesn't seem like this is going to be over any time soon and you have fresh faces in. Let them work and get a good nights sleep. You need to take care of yourself too."

She visibly deflated and I reached out and placed a hand on her thigh. I agreed with him but I also could see how hard it would be to take a step back. Her voice was soft as she responded, "I know. Thank you Charlie."

"I'll have some information for you in the morning. You two have a good night."

She hung up and spoke up. "This is the hardest part about it all. I know everyone else can do the job, but it can be hard to take any time when it's literally life and death situations."

"Never have I been as thankful for Fenelon and our tiny police force." She smiled at my response and then scrolled through her contacts to dial Lee.

"Hey Lucy, how did it go with the Minister?"

"It didn't. He wasn't very cooperative. In fact downright hostile, I don't think any of us are going to get anywhere with him." She rubbed at her forehead before continuing. "I wondered if maybe you want to give a couple of the officers you've picked a chance."

His answer was immediate. "I can do that. But to do what"

She shrugged as if he could see her and was silent for a moment, I loved watching her brain work. "I don't know... maybe see if they have any contacts that could help us get a picture of these families. Both the Sanchez's and the Lawson's go to Crossroads. Maybe we can get a vibe of what kind of members they are?"

"Done. I've got things under control here. You and Sam get some rest, yah?" I knew that my cheeks were just as flushed as hers at his emphasis on rest.

I pulled my truck into the local pizza shop and parked as she grumbled out , "Thanks."

"My mom and Rose messaged and are having a girls night with some friends tonight. Apparently they're all staying over so that they can get saucy." I made finger quotations around saucy so that she'd know it wasn't my choice of phrasing. I also chose not to mention the other part of the message about how they wanted to give us an empty house.

A laugh popped out of Lucy's mouth, "I really like them."

"Me too. I wish they would move closer to me but this is their home and as much as I see the worst about it, they somehow seem to see the best. Fuck, they are the best part about Lake Ridge."

Lucy gave me a little smile and I pointed ahead, "We're off for the night, assuming you're planning on following orders and I thought we could pick up some pizza, if that works?"

Please follow his orders.

She unbuckled her seatbelt and opened her door. "Yes. That sounds great." It was as I got out and met her on the sidewalk that she explained further. "It's not that I don't want to follow orders. It's just harder to shut it off since I took over as team leader. I feel guilty taking time. I'm trying to work through it but I don't want to ever let them down."

"Them as in the team?"

Her head shook, "Yes. But also them as in the victims and their families. I never realized the pressure that Josie carried for the rest of us."

She grabbed my hand, "I'm working on it though. So, no more of that until we've at least had pizza."

I squeezed her hand and leaned down to whisper in her ear, "A woman after my own heart." That blush reappeared on her cheeks, just like I'd intended and as we walked through the doors into the heavenly smell of baked bread, garlic and cheese, our hands didn't part and the smile didn't leave my face. 

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