Chapter Sixteen

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(Sam's POV)

Immediate disappointment rushed through me as my eyes opened and focused on the empty side of my bed.

I glanced at my phone and saw a text from Lucy, letting me know that she'd gone for a run. Worry gnawed at me. Was she not the least bit concerned that we had a missing girl in this town?

Was it safe for her?

I knew I was being ridiculous considering what she did for a living. Regardless, I knew I wasn't going to get any more sleep now. I got up and made my way out to the kitchen, starting a pot of coffee.

As it started to percolate, Wolfe came through the front door. "The moms still sleeping?"

I nodded in answer and pulled down a mug for him. He nodded his thanks and sent me a goofy grin. "What about your lady love, Lucy?"

I gave him my best stink eye. "If you want me to share this coffee with you, I suggest you take it down a notch."

His smile was beaming as he got the response he wanted.

Just loves to poke the bear.

"She went for a run." I poured both our cups, adding cream and sugar into one for when Lucy got back. Setting it by the carafe, so it'd be ready to go.

I looked over to see him hide his smirk behind his hand and stared him down, daring him to say something about me preparing a house guest's coffee.

Guy wouldn't recognize good manners if they punched him in the face.

He shrugged, like he was unsure as to what my problem was. It always surprised me when his wise assery was aimed at me. All of a sudden, my normally hilarious cousin was a lot less funny.

The sound of laughter coming up the porch had us both glancing to the door and watching as Tash and Lucy came through the doorway. I walked over and poured Lucy her coffee and handed it to her wordlessly, my breath catching at her rosy cheeks and the liquid bronze of her eyes.

Tash cleared her throat. "I'd love a coffee, thanks Sam."

Wolfe coughed to cover up his laughter and I could feel my face heat at their ribbing. "I can only move so fast, Tash."


Lucy, oblivious to their teasing, took a sip of her coffee and whispered, "Thanks." She was close enough that I could easily pull her in to snuggle my body and I couldn't help but think about our one-sided conversation last night and wish the room was empty, right now.

Lucy zeroed in on Wolfe. "You must be Wolfe, I've heard so much about you."

"Same Lucy, Same. It's nice to finally put a face to the name and thanks for coming in to help us find Tanya."

"Did you tell Tash our plan?" I was curious as to how they ended up on a run together but figured it wasn't important at this moment.

Lucy's head shake had me turning to Wolfe. "We were hoping you could help us with something. When we were talking last night we realised that to our knowledge no one has questioned Tanya's friends."

Lucy spoke up. "We ran into your dad this morning. I would hazard a guess that the reason behind that is he doesn't think anything is wrong."

Tash interrupted. "He thinks she's going to turn up right as rain and they're going to charge her for wasting police resources."

Sam shook his head and Wolfe set his coffee down with a hard click. "Why am I not surprised? Fucking Uncle Brian." He turned to me. "Why are the men in our family such pricks?"

He paused for a second, running a hand over his chin. "To my knowledge they have not talked to any of my students. Is that how you want me to help? Get kids together?"

This was Lucy's forte and it showed. "If you could make a list of Tanya's closest friends, listing everyone you can think of, from closest, on. We will start at the top of your list and work our way down."

Wolfe's eyes widened. "I can do that."

She gave him a little smile. "Do you trust your principal? I'm wondering if we could get in quietly, with our credentials? Then we could set it up outside of the Lake Ridge Police presence?"

Obviously the interaction with Brian this morning, had been less than impressive. She confirmed my suspicions by adding, "At this point I think looping them in, might negatively impact the success of the search."

Wolfe nodded his agreement. "I think he's a good guy and I know that he thinks Brian is a dud. We had a conversation about his disappointment in how the whole revenge porn situation with Tanya was handled. He immediately reported it to the police, it's been them who have been making excuses for Travis." Wolfe's own disappointment made his voice more gravelly.

Lucy's eyes caught mine. "I'm assuming Travis is the boyfriend. I wonder if I could get Lee to question him. It'll help that he's in uniform. I can't imagine Travis would take kindly to you and me."

Tash spoke up. "Ex-boyfriend. How can I help?"

Her words were to Lucy, not me. I was relieved when Lucy didn't shut her down. Civilian or not, she brought skills to the table. "I think it would be suspicious if you weren't out searching. We'll have you search by day and stay available for any research we might need."

Lucy turned to me. "You okay if I shower first?" The word shower, out of her mouth, had my throat going dry.

Naked would be a good look on her.

I took a big gulp of coffee and nodded my head, scared that my voice would break. I was well aware that if it did, Wolfe would never let me hear the end of it.

She walked over and gave Tash a hug, whispering something in her ear. Then smiled at Wolfe. "It was nice to meet you."

Once we heard the bathroom door close upstairs, Tash was all over me. "I really like her, Sam. Also you need to slide into conversations with the women that you're interested in, that I'm gay."

It was too early to follow Tash's squirrel like brain waves. "Why?"

"She thought we were together, numbnuts." Tash's amusement was glaringly apparent.

Wolfe joined in on her laughter. "No wonder you've been stuck in the friend zone man."

Tash set her mug in the dishwasher and came over to give me a hug. I jokingly pushed her off. "Jesus you smell, get off me."

She just hugged me tighter. "I think it's time to put it all on the table. She likes you, but you'll need to take the leap my friend."

"Now, I need a shower." With that she slapped my shoulder and tugged Wolfe out the door.

He flashed me his shit eating grin and called out, "I'll let you know when it's arranged."

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