Chapter Ten

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(Sam's POV)

"Man, you're running on fumes. At some point you've got to sleep." I looked over at Wolfe, knowing he was right but not really caring about it at this moment.

I had gotten into town after midnight last night and joined the officers canvassing the area from Tanya's car. By the time morning had come we had been joined by at least half of the town.

At noon today, Wolfe had convinced his principal that every single student should be dismissed early, with the school closed, in order for everyone to join our search. He had explained to me that not only did he think it was the right move, every teen had heard Tanya was missing and no work was happening today, anyway.

We re-buddied everyone up and expanded the grid but still had come up with nothing. It was like she had vanished into thin air.

I glanced down at my phone, seeing a message pop up from Lucy, apologising that she hadn't answered any of my texts and that she was enroute, with Lee.

To say I was relieved, would be an understatement. I couldn't even bring myself to think about her radio silence today. Currently there were more important things to worry about than my love life.

I needed their backup. This place wasn't my home anymore. I had never policed here and I was out of my element. Lucy and Lee came into unfamiliar precincts and districts all the time, they would know how to offer their assistance without adding to the growing tension that seemed to clog up the air around me.

My uncle Jet walked by and gave a slap to my shoulder. "Thanks again for coming home, Sam."

He was my dad's Deputy. The exact job that I held next to Lincoln. He was also the only officer that I had met since being home, who had welcomed me with open arms, I was including daddy Brian in that group.

He nudged Wolfe. My cousin had been adamant, as soon as he had arrived, that he was going to be my buddy and his non stop chatter had been keeping me company all afternoon.

After giving his son's head a rub, Uncle Jet moved on, catching up with the group next to us.

I watched as he laughed heartily with the town minister, Mel. We only had one church in town and Tash and Tanya's parents were devoted members. The entire congregation had come out in flocks, as soon as they heard.

Each of the groups was spread out about twenty paces from one another. Tanya's car had been found on a deserted road next to a large conservation area.

We had been making our way through, hunting for anything that could help us find her.

I had been alone with my thoughts longer than expected. I turned to look at Wolfe, worried that this was the quietest he had been all day. His dark gaze was locked on his dad.

"Don't tell me you guys still don't get along?" Wolfe and Jet were the only two people that either man never seemed to jive with. Maybe because they were similar. Both charismatic enough, that they ought to be able to charm a snake.

I could never quite figure their relationship out.

He gave me a dirty look. "If you came home once in a while, you would know he's only gotten worse with age."

I laughed. "You remember who my dad is right? Can't even compare man... can't even compare."

Wolfe's anger was always fast and furious and like a sun shower, his smile was back. "I'm sorry. You're right. Uncle Brian is the worst."

I gave him a smile as I tied one of our fluorescent pink bands around a tree. We had to track what areas on the grid had been done and also be able to find our way back. "I'm sorry too. It just felt easier to have you come to me. I'll make more of an effort to come home, I promise."

He nodded his head, gave me a slap on the back and changed the subject. "So, I hear Luceeeeeee is coming to help." He dragged out the e and then threw me a wink.

Jesus, we've been together since I found out. How in the name of hell did he manage to figure this shit out?


"Tash and I met for an after hockey practice beer yesterday. It's how she knew that Tanya had ditched school in the afternoon. I mentioned that she had never missed my class before." His eyes clouded with worry before he looped back to my love life. "She might have told me about your lady of the moment and then I heard you on the phone."

I considered how to respond, needing him to know that I was already serious about her. "I'd rather it was more than just the moment. But, I'm not so sure. She ghosted me all day."

He gave me another shoulder slap. "While she came as soon as you asked. I'd say that showing up when it matters, counts."

Fucking Wolfe, popped out wisdom at the most random of times. "I, for one, am pumped to meet her. I don't think you've really been interested in anyone since everything with Tash."

Irritation popped and before I could hold it in, I was snapping. "Can we not?"

Wolfe rarely showed his emotions but hurt flashed across his features. I didn't ever lose my cool and I never got upset with him. He walked a little faster, giving me some space.


I picked up my pace, matching him. "I'm sorry. You are about the millionth person to mention my struggle after Tash. For me, it's long in the past. But it doesn't feel like it is for everyone here and I'm kind of tired of hearing about it."

He looked at me sideways. "Do you need a hug?"

I laughed but should have known he wasn't joking. He immediately dropped his tape, threw his mittens on the floor and moved closer, picking me up and shaking me like I weighed nothing.

"Oh my god, you fucking mammoth. Put me down." I was not a tiny man and was shocked that he had managed to pick me up so easily.

He read my face, let me go and bent over chuckling deep. "Shit. I needed that."

"What the fuck man, you're a beast."

Then he shrugged and said, "I've been working out a bit."

A bit...

I looked at him with fresh eyes, wondering what was going on with my cousin. He was always a bit on the heavier side but now I could see he had lost weight and put on muscle, lots of muscle. "You look good, Cuz. Sorry I didn't notice. My head is fuzzy."

"No problem. It's not a big deal. I just felt like I was drinking too much and made some changes. I'm going to be forty in a few years, you know."

A shout from a nearby group pierced the air, interrupting our conversation and I immediately raced over, needing to see what they'd found, hoping to god that it wasn't a body.

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