Chapter Thirty-Nine

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(Sam's POV)

A not so distant buzzing had me groaning and digging my face further into the pillow, pulling Lucy's very naked body into mine under the covers. She groaned, "Turn it off, Sam."

I rolled over eager to oblige and then hopefully begin round three, or was it four. I was losing track. All I knew was there was no going back for me, not now.

My eyes blinked open as my phone stopped vibrating only to start right away again. I tried to get a handle on the time. The room was still dark so whoever was calling either had no concept of time or we were about to be pulled away from this very warm, cozy scenario and I was nowhere close to ready.

I disentangled my body from hers and immediately missed her warmth as I glanced at the caller ID and pulled the phone to my ear, clearing my throat to try to clear the sleep and sex away. It still came out a shade too gruff. "Hello."

Next to me, Lucy stiffened as she heard Lee star to speak. "Hey, Sam. Sorry for the hour. I've been trying to get through to Lucy, but she's not answering."

She was already moving, sitting up and rubbing a hand over her face, trying to wake up. I couldn't help but stare at how gorgeously rumpled she was and a smile stretched at my cheeks as I thought of doing it all over again again.

She blushed, easily reading my mind and pointed a finger at the phone, redirecting my thoughts.

Shit. Lee.

I pulled my phone away from my ear, looking at the time. It was twenty after one in the morning. Lucy pulled away, sitting up and pulling the sheets up to cover her. Her gaze was panicked and I floundered for a moment, trying to figure out why. Then caught on, if I told him that she was right next to me at this time, I was giving away particulars that were no one else's business.

"Yah. Give me a second to get her." Her cheeks were bright red as I waited for a good moment and held out the phone to her.

She also cleared her throat as she took the phone, "Sorry, Lee. My phone must have died. What's up?" His voice was garbled but I stood up as she did, only allowing myself to gawk at her nakedness for a moment before I also started to pull on pants.

Her eyes were wide as she listened. "Shit, yah. We'll be there as soon as we can. Tell her we're on our way." She stopped for a second. No, stay put. Let us go and then figure out where we need you or anyone else as the time comes. Let everyone else sleep until we figure out what the fuck is going on."

She hopped on one foot as she talked, pulling on one sock and then the other. I stood stupid and shirtless, aware that I was staring but completely unable to focus on dressing myself. She hung up and tossed my phone on my bed before turning to look at me.

The way her eyes traced over my upper body made me feel better about my own distraction but only served to add to the cloud of thick tension. Acting on our attraction should have lessened this magnetic pull but instead for me anyway, it got stronger. As the silence stretched, I started to worry that she was trying to find a way to let me down lightly.

Hoping that it wasn't regret that I was sensing, I walked over and lightly rubbed my lips over hers. "We're not done yet but this can wait, yah?"

She nodded and gave a quick grin, "So then you need to put that away." She caressed my chest as she said it, shaking her head and walking over to her bag.

Joy bubbled at her words. Nope, not regret. Distraction and desire. We were on the same page.

I stared, awestruck for another moment as she covered up those magnificent breasts, snapping a dry, cream coloured bra on. Her nipples poked out through the fabric and I decided whatever was pulling us away from our bed could wait one more god damned minute.

I stalked towards her, my hands rubbing over her jean clad ass and lifting her into me. My head dipped and sucked one of those nipples through the fabric. Her moan was nothing but encouraging, but then she kissed my neck and caressed my back. "It's got to wait, Sam."

Lucy's gaze was full of regret as I gave her butt one more caress and then let her slide down. It wasn't until she pulled a dark blue hoodie down over her head that I was finally able to move. But as she pulled on a dark blue hoodie, explaining, with her voice mumbled through the fabric. I froze again. "Our new team member, Riley, on a hunch, decided to stake out the church tonight."

I waited for her head to pop back though before asking, "The fire expert?"

She gave a pointed look at my still bare chest and I smiled as I held out my own sweater. Letting her know I was working on it.

Lucy nodded, worry evident in her gaze. "I guess she doesn't believe in coincidence any more than we do and figured it couldn't hurt to keep watch on the church."

"And?" Lee wouldn't have called for no reason, Riley had obviously found something.

Lucy sighed, "She caught someone trying to burn down the place and arrested him but says she needs me to come in to take it any further."

"Why?" She gave me a worried look and pressure began building in my chest, knowing that it wasn't going to be good. Never one to shy away from anything, her voice was calm and maybe a little apologetic as she explained, "The man she arrested says he's the chief of police, Sam."  

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