Chapter Twenty

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(Sam's POV)

I felt my molars smash into one another as my father entered the room. "What the fuck is going on here?" The scarlet of his face darkened as his face lingered on Stephen.

I didn't miss the panicked expression that took over Stephen's features before he masked his feelings behind the forced indifference. His scowl was similar to the one he had worn when he had first walked in with Mrs. Alexander.

I wish that I was more surprised that my dad pulled the same kind of reaction as the judgemental receptionist. But, I knew first hand what he was like.

If you can shred your own family...your own kids to pieces, what are you going to do to other peoples kids?

When Nate sat us down and explained how fundamentally unhappy he was and that he had made the choice to become Natalie. My mom and I had embraced it. At the end of the day we wanted her to be happy. That was what family did right? Supported each other.

While the memories of my sister's transition darkened my thoughts, my dad made his way to the table and towered over top of us. His eyebrows were raised, waiting for an explanation.

Doing your fucking job, apparently.

I opened my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, and then felt Lucy's gentle touch on my arm.

"Sam, do you want to walk Stephen out?" Her voice made me focus, reign myself back in. My anger at my father's choices, both past and present, wasn't going to help anyone.

Wasn't going to help Tanya.

Her hand made its way into mine and I felt the crisp edges of her business card jab at my palm. I knew then that she wanted to get Stephen out of the office, without my dad or uncle realizing how available we were making ourselves to the teenage population of Lake Ridge.

I waited until Stephen and I had made it out of the office to talk. "Thank you for talking to us." I paused, taking in our situation.

This wasn't ideal.

My uncle was in the doorway of the office and Mrs. Alexander was listening like it was her goddamn job.

God damned nosy small towns.

I caught the secretary's smug expression as she watched Stephen and I walk through the door and registered how the Chief and his Deputy had found us out. Her ears were not going to help us at all, so I stopped talking and walked Stephen completely out of the office.

Once we were fully by ourselves, I slid him Lucy's card. "Sorry that we rushed you out of there, we're not exactly working with the local police."

He raised his eyebrows and his smirk told me could care less. "Sorry about your... dad." I laughed at his response.

"Me too, man. Me too." Then I pointed at the card. "Will you share Brie's number with us? Lucy's number is on there. I know that while we're here in town, it won't hurt for us to talk to her." His look of gratitude had me pushing a talk with Brie to the top of our list.

I tapped the card a second time. "If you hear anything more from Tanya, or think of anything else, don't hesitate to reach out with that either."

His smile was sincere as he reached out to shake my hand. "Thank you for being here."

I swallowed the emotion in my throat and nodded. Turning around I made my way back into the office. Jet was standing, still talking quietly to Mrs. Alexander.

I ignored them and made my way back into Alan's office, hearing my dad's blistering tone through the open door.

I had to smile when I made it through and noticed that Lucy was sitting at her laptop typing, appearing completely unaffected by my dad's bluster.

She seemed to be working while he ranted. Causing his voice to raise as she continued to show little to no reaction. "The two of you have absolutely no authority here. Jesus Christ, just setting up shop at the high school."

His face was swelling in anger and he was yet again hovering over Lucy. It was apparent that he was trying to use his size to dominate.

Although I felt a pinch in my chest at the picture it painted, she handled him perfectly, taking her sweet time in responding. She stopped typing and looked up at him. "As I've tried to explain to you, Chief, we do, in fact have authority."

She stayed sitting ignoring the mountain of rage pouring off of him. "Look here little lady. I don't know who the fuck you think you are but around here we don't waste time and resources for teens trying to get a little attention."

I went to interrupt but Lucy stood up, forcing him to take a step back. Anger flashed in her eyes. "I think I've heard enough. As I've already said, Chief Taylor, My name is Lucy Baylor. You can call me Lucy, or Ms. Baylor or how about Officer."

Her tone was quiet but assertive and if I wasn't standing at the table next to him, I would have struggled to hear it.

Surprisingly he had stopped peacocking and was listening. "I lead a special crimes task force and my boss is Charles Byson. You might have heard of him? Believe it or not, he has given me the authority to be here."

Anyone in Canadian law enforcement knew Byson and his teams and my dad deflated as she continued, her tone soft but deadly. "You have a choice, Chief. You can start to actually do your job or I can and will take over this case, relieving you of your authority. Either way, things around here are changing, as of now."

I wanted to kiss her as my dad reeled back at her words. He was stuttering, obviously recognizing that he had misjudged her. "Now you see here, Ms. Baylor..."

Again she interrupted him, obviously losing her patience, her tone, no longer soft and my dad was floundering like a fish. "As near as I can see it, you have botched this from the beginning. You have a teenage girl who is coming up on forty-eight hours missing. Sam and I did you a favour coming here, because if reporters get wind of how you've blundered the most critical hours of this missing persons case, you will be out of a job. Not one of her friends had been questioned. You and I both know the first hours are the most important. What have your officers been doing?"

She glanced at her watch and shut her laptop, picking up her phone and waving it in front of him. "I was recording our conversations this morning and it stayed on while you and your Deputy Chief came in. I'm sure both our superiors would be interested in how you've talked to me and about this victim, Sir."

He looked like he had been slapped but Lucy wasn't done yet. "I am within my rights to take over for you here. Have had that authority all along. It also wouldn't be the first time that I've had to do that, but I would rather not."

Again she looked at her watch. "Why don't you try to organise yourselves? Sam and I will continue to work on our own for now and tomorrow morning if Tanya still hasn't been found, we will reconvene then. But, Chief, if I don't see clear evidence that you and your officers are actually working this case, it will be a hostile takeover. You understand?"

My dad pulled at the top of his collared shirt as if he was feeling more than a little constricted.


She nodded her head, obviously recognizing that he'd gotten her message and picked up her bag. She strolled out of the office, without glancing back and I followed without another look at my dad.

Jet's shocked expression let me know that they had heard at least a part of that conversation. Lucy ignored Jet but growled out a, "thanks for your help, Mrs. Alexander."

It appeared I wasn't the only one who registered why we had to end our interviews early.

Her legs ate up the ground as we navigated our way out of the building. I could sense her frustration with our departure but stayed silent. It wouldn't be truly safe to talk about any of this until we were inside my truck.

My gaze was admiring as I trailed her. Holy shit. If I hadn't already been half in love with her, I would be now. She was a force to be reckoned with.

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