Chapter Thirteen

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(Lucy's POV)

The pitter-patter of my heart was a foreign feeling as we passed the 'Welcome To Lake Ridge' sign and the GPS carried us closer and closer to Mrs. Taylor's house.

Our increasing proximity had me clamming up more, by the moment.

Lee, an excellent reader of rooms, and jeeps apparently, gave me a sympathetic look and started giving me the rundown. "Sam's mom left his dad years ago, and bought a place with her sister."

I looked over in surprise, wondering where this fountain of information was coming from and why. "Figured you might want to know a little more information about the people you're staying with. It would do you well, to prepare yourself for Sam's dad as well. He's the Chief of Police but from the stories that Sam has shared, his mom left because he's not very accepting of others."

Anything that he could tell me would help us both, going into this town. However his knowing smirk gave him away, adding an extra component to his explanation. He was obviously still shipping us both.

I nodded my head, the clenching around my heart easing with each new fact. I reached over and squeezed his hand, smiling in appreciation. The more that I knew about a situation, the more at ease I was. I glanced at the dash, noticing that we were two minutes out. "You'll message in the morning to let me know where they're going to utilise the extra support? Will you let me know how many officers they bring in?"

"Of course." He pointed to a corner lot. Even in the dark of night, the house was a backdrop for the yard in front. What phenomenal gardens. If this was what it looked like without a trace of sunlight, I knew I was in for a treat tomorrow. The headlights revealed that there was hardly any grass and flowers everywhere.

"Sam and Tash are waiting for us." I followed the finger that Lee was pointing to see Sam and Tash sitting on a white porch swing.

Hearing Sam's name had my heart expanding only to deflate immediately upon hearing Tash's. I was obviously aware that he had come home to help her, it made sense that she was here. No matter that my mind understood, I couldn't control the little pinch to my heart.

As my jeep pulled in, they both waved and Tash laughed at something Sam said. It caused her face, which had been pinched with worry to light up.

They would make beautiful babies.

Sam stood, meeting us on the top of the porch and giving us both a hug. That foresty smell that I associated with him, enveloped me. I let myself breathe it in and relaxed into his embrace.

Tasha stood up and lightly pushed Sam out of the way, pulling me in for a hug as well. "You don't know me well, but I need you to know that I really appreciate you coming."

It was like this at the wedding too. I wanted to dislike her but it was impossible because you knew just by the vibe she put out, she was a good person.

As she let me go I met Sam's eyes. " Nothing more?" I felt Tash tense next to me and felt bad, seeing the tears pooled in her eyes.

It was her that answered. "Nothing that we've heard of. Everything shut down for the night and we will start looking again first thing in the morning."

I gave her hand a squeeze. I hadn't yet discovered the right words to use in moments like this. Instead I tended to rely on touch, it let people know that I cared because no matter what I said, Tanya was still missing.

Lee spoke up. "Okay guys, I'll message in the morning but I should get to bed. First day on the job, ya now?"

I threw him my keys. "Take care of my baby."

Instead of answering he just winked but then as he left he gunned it out the driveway.


I flipped him the bird, knowing he'd be cackling to himself and turned around to a smile on Sam's face.

Tash grabbed her purse as Sam reached out a hand to help me with my bag. "I'm going to head back to my parents place. Can I meet you guys here in the morning?"

"Yeah. Wolfe is coming by for breakfast too. Come by for 7."

I swallowed my surprise at the fact that not only was she leaving, she simply gave a wave and disappeared into the night. No hug. No kiss. I turned expecting Sam's eyes to be following her exit but they were locked on me.

He gave one of my curls a tug. "You ready to meet my mom, Luce."

Holy shit. No. Nope.

I was absolutely not ready. My expression must have said it all because he laughed. "Come on, my mom and aunt have been harassing me about when you'd get here."

As we walked into a bright kitchen the two women sitting at the island stopped talking and turned to look at us. Both women were beautiful but it was impossible to miss Sam's mom. He had gotten her hair colour and those green eyes. "This must be the Lucy that I've heard so much about."

I smiled and looked over at Sam, whose face was inching towards being the same shade as their hair. She hooted with laughter at the embarrassment that she was causing her son and gestured to the stool next to her. "Will you come sit for a glass of wine? I know you had a long drive and it'll be a long day tomorrow, so just a little one?"

I couldn't help but immediately take a liking to her and my desire to not disappoint them must have been written all over my face because she gave me a smile and then walked over to pull down two more wine glasses.

The dark haired lady leaned forward and said, "I'm Rose, Sam's aunt and my excited sister over there is Lily."

It turned out I was ready to meet Sam's family, or at least this part of it. The two women made me feel at home immediately and the way that they constantly ribbed at Sam was hilarious. "So, Sam was telling me you guys were on a date, when he got the call to come home."

Sam groaned, draining the last of his wine. "Allright Mom, that's quite enough. I'm going to show Lucy to her room."

Laughing Lily stood up, and walked over, her small body wrapping around her son. "I'm glad you're here, Sam." I swallowed the emotion clogging my throat as she turned and her arms tightened around me. "You too Lucy, I'm so glad to finally meet you."

I squeezed back, inhaling the sugar cookie aroma that surrounded her. I was not that tall of a woman, yet I dwarfed her. "Thank you for letting me stay here."

I gave Rose a wave and followed Sam out of the room. He stopped just outside of the kitchen, scratching at the back of his neck. "I'm sorry, they love teasing me."

I gave him a nudge. "They are lovely. You're very lucky."

His green eyes darkened as he responded. "Yah, I lucked out with the females in my family." It would have been the perfect segue, I had lots of questions about his dad but something in his posture had me holding my tongue.

Instead he started moving and I followed. "Come on, my room is this way."

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