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He sat huddled on one corner of his bed in his darkened bedroom. He had his knees pulled up to his chest so he could rest his phone on them. The only light in the room came from the videos he was watching on repeat. There were two particular videos that he always came back to. 

The first one started with an interviewer from the James Corden show walking around the busy streets of LA. He was going around asking passersby who their BTS bias was. Apparently, there were a lot of Jimin stans in LA. 

But one woman always made his breath catch when she came on screen. At first glance, she wasn't very remarkable. Nothing about her stood out. She was of average height and weight, with pale skin. Her wheat-colored curls were bunched up on top of her head in a haphazard messy bun. In the video, it was impossible to tell what color her eyes truly were, but he knew them to be hazel.

What was apparent, however, was the smattering of freckles sprinkled across the tops of her cheeks and nose. They gave her a raw, uncensored look. She was wearing simple black leggings and an off the shoulder coral sweater.

No, nothing about her stood out, but she was glowing.

No matter how many times he had seen this video, his heart always picked up speed when she appeared. She was strolling by, looking down at her phone and frowning slightly when the interview stepped into her path. She looked up at him in surprise and mild annoyance. 

He had watched this video enough times that he had become an expert on her subtle face changes.

Once the interviewer asked who her BTS bias was, her face broke out into a sweet smile. 

He always paused here. At first it was in awe of how her face lit up and how beautiful she looked in that moment. But as time went on, he was desperately trying to imprint her smile on his memory. He was sure he would never see it again. 

He stroked a finger down the screen, imagining that she was actually here smiling at him. Did she ever smile at him like that? And, if she did, did he ever acknowledge her? Did he ever deign to give her the time of day that she so rightly deserved? He squeezed his eyes closed in pain at the thought of missing out on that smile. Of missing out on her.

After a moment, he pressed play again and watched with wide eyes when she whipped out her phone and showed the interviewer what she was currently listening to. It was a song from his solo album. 

She answered the interviewer, "It is 100% him." 

The man asked her why he was her bias, and she took a moment to articulate her thoughts. His heart was now racing. This was his favorite part. 

A slow smile spread across her face, lighting her from within. "It's simple. His music. He puts his all into the music he makes. His dedication to his craft inspires me and his music gives me hope," she told the interviewer. The man nodded his head and then asked what her favorite song was. 

Still smiling, she answered, "Currently, it is this one. I've been choreographing a dance to it." 

The interviewer ooohed and ahhhed before asking her if she was a professional dancer or choreographer. "No," she responded, "it's just for fun. I love dancing but I am not a traditional dancer." She laughed and gestured to herself, as if in explanation. 

He always scoffed at this part. She was perfect. 

"But I do have a Yo*Tube channel where I post some of my dance covers and original creations! It is nothing big, just a small space where I can create and connect with people," she said. She turned to the camera and flashed a finger heart before she said, "It's sabrinadances if you want to check it out!" 

The interviewer laughed and thanked her for her time. 

He watched her skirt away out of frame before stopping the video. As if he were on auto pilot, he went to the search bar and typed in sabrinadances. When he found the video he was looking for, he let out another breath and pressed play.

There she was, standing in the middle of a small studio with the lights dimmed. The video was made into grey scale, so all of her coloring was muted. Her hair was free flowing this time. It was long and full, framing the planes of her face. She was wearing black leggings again, with a simple black crop top. On her feet she had black ballet flats. 

When his song began playing, she started moving in time with the music. He watched, rapt, as she danced her with whole heart and soul in an interpretive, sometimes sensual, artistic way.When she made certain moves, he could just barely get a glimpse of what appeared to be a tattoo on her upper left ribcage. He lamented that he never got the chance to see it in its full glory. To touch it. 

Her dance was mesmerizing. Even though she claimed she wasn't a professional dancer, it didn't matter. If she made a mistake, he never knew it because she was just so enthralling. She gave it all to the music, to her dance. You could feel her sincerity. He felt himself holding his breath again at the part where he fell quiet in the song and she stood still, looking off into the distance. 

She turned to face the camera with a faraway haunted look before falling back onto the floor and continuing her dance. 

She was perfect. 

As the last strains of the song sounded and she folded over in on herself, his breath caught. Slowly and gracefully, she rose up to her feet and opened her fist for the camera. Inside was a colorized, CGI purple butterfly. He watched as it fluttered off her palm and out of frame as the word "dream" appeared in cursive at the bottom of the screen. 

Every time he watched her dance, he was always amazed by her. She understood his song almost better than he did. As the screen went black, he hung his head down. 

He didn't cry. He couldn't cry.

He couldn't remember the last time he really cried, but his heart burned. His soul yearned for her. He'd had her and he didn't even know what he had until it was too late. He was too ignorant, too cruel, too stupid and he had driven her away. 

His soulmate.

After a moment of silence, he went back to the first video and started the cycle of torture all over again.  



Who do you think it is?? 

Who do you think it is?? 

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