I came awake slowly, struggling against the darkness that held me down. I knew I needed to wake up, but I was so disoriented and I didn't know why. Was I late for work? Dance practice?
Why was it so hard to open my eyes? Was I getting sick? I shifted slightly, the firm surface beneath me digging into my back.
I groaned and reached up to rub my forehead, fighting off a sudden wave of nausea. I swallowed thickly and finally managed to open my eyes. At first all I saw was a dark ceiling right above me but as my eyes adjusted I saw that I was framed by windows.
Wait. I was in the backseat of a car.
I blinked and stared up at the ceiling, trying to process. It looked like it was dark outside. Why would I be in the backseat? Was I drunk? I certainly felt like shit.
I groaned and sat up gingerly, looking around for anyone else. My eyes snagged on the open driver side door and I stilled.
Hunter had taken Yoongi's car ... and me along with it.
I gasped as the cold splash of reality slammed into me. Hunter had taken me! Where was I?! Where was he?!
I looked around wildly, trying to orient myself. But it was so dark beyond the windows of the car that I couldn't make much out. I could just barely see the city lights, but they did nothing to tell me where I was. I tried to steady my breathing as I felt around frantically for my phone. I had it in my hand when Hunter had driven off, but I must've dropped it in my struggle to get away.
I huffed in frustration as my hands came up empty after feeling around the floorboard. Hunter must've taken it. My stomach was churning and I had to make myself sit still for a moment while I figured everything out.
Breathe. Think. You need to get away. Find a phone. Call Yoongi.
I took a shuddering breath and gently scooted over to the door. I needed to be as quiet as possible, just in case Hunter was still hanging around. I didn't want to examine the fact that he had just left me there alone too closely. Maybe he was just being careless?
I grasped the handle and pulled, opening the backdoor with ease. I cracked it open slowly and peered out, letting my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. As I looked around, I found that Hunter had parked Yoongi's car on the roof top of a building, maybe a parking garage.
I crept over to the edge of the roof and looked out, trying to assess my location. A strong breeze whipped up and I shivered, my sundress doing little to protect me from the evening chill. I stared out across the way and realized that we were somewhere across the Han. I could see the Namsan tower in the distance and when I looked down, it appeared that I was at least eight floors up. Wherever I was, was right on the river's edge. A cold, foreboding feeling came over me as I stared down at the water.
Memories of crashing into the frigid river slammed into me, making it harder for me to breathe.
I needed to get the fuck out of here!
I whirled around to run and stopped short, my heart seizing in my chest.
Hunter was leaning up against the car, grinning at me maniacally.
"Going somewhere Brina?" he asked mockingly.
A cold sweat broke out over my forehead as I stared at him. He'd changed in the past few years. He was no longer lithe and muscular, but instead he looked wiry and strung out underneath his baggy sweats and dirty t-shirt. Dark circles shadowed his eyes and his skin looked sallow. Strands of greasy looking hair stuck out haphazardly from his black ball cap.

Unwanted--BTS--Soulmate AU
FanfictionWhat happens if your soulmate wants nothing to do with you? Sabrina moved to Seoul for a fresh start. She was settling in nicely, teaching English to the community and blowing off steam by dancing at a local dance studio. She never imagined she wou...