What happens if your soulmate wants nothing to do with you?
Sabrina moved to Seoul for a fresh start. She was settling in nicely, teaching English to the community and blowing off steam by dancing at a local dance studio. She never imagined she wou...
I stood awkwardly at the threshold of my apartment just staring at Tae. It felt like a fever dream to see him standing in front of me, calling me jagi. I reached out with a limp hand and rested lightly against the door frame as I remembered the many nights I laid awake imagining the moment when we came face to face again. There was a deep chasm of misunderstandings and hurts between us and I had been trying to find a way to build a bridge over it.
Wordlessly, I moved to the side and motioned for him to enter, letting him brush past me before I closed the door and leaned against it.
"What are you doing here?" I asked softly.
He shrugged out of his long overcoat and draped it over a chair before turning to me. God he looked so good in his casual grey hoodie and black track pants. How was it that he could make anything look good? It made me feel so dowdy in my holey black leggings and oversized TXT t-shirt. With my hair haphazardly clipped up and my bare face, I felt positively homely.
"I came to apologize to you and to make sure you've been doing okay," he told me, a crease forming between his brows.
I quirked a brow and tilted my head in confusion. "Apologize? For?"
Tae regarded me with a serious expression as he dropped onto the sofa. I kept leaning against the door, letting it support me. I didn't feel like sitting down just yet, needing to keep the ground beneath my feet.
"I was an asshole to you in the weeks before-'' he cut himself off and inhaled before going on, "I was an ass. I'm truly sorry. I should've treated you better."
His deep, caramel voice soothed me and I blinked, taking in his apology. The people pleaser in me ached to tell him that it was all okay and that I was fine, but I held back and instead accepted it for what it was.
"Thank you Tae...and I'm sorry too...for everything. I wish..." I trailed off, nibbling my bottom lip, refusing to finish that thought. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't go back and change the past.
He nodded at me and laced his fingers together under his chin, lost in thought as he stared at the floor. I smiled softly at that, knowing he liked to take his time to formulate his thoughts.
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The long silence prompted me to blurt out the one question that had been burning me up inside. "Why didn't you come to see me sooner?"
He was quiet for a moment.
"The short answer is that I was a fucking coward. I was afraid of finding you brain dead or finding you awake and suffering. Or even finding you awake and reconciled with Yoongi. I was afraid of myself as well. I wasn't sure what Yoongi and I would do upon seeing each other again. I wanted to kick the shit out of him at the same time as I wanted to console him. So I let my indecision and cowardice rule me. It wasn't until Jimin called me and told me that he visited you, that I felt compelled to finally come and see you too. But the long story is... complicated."