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Song for this chapter: Can You Hold Me by NF & Britt Nicole

The first thing I felt as I was pulled into consciousness was the chill in the room. My body felt incredibly stiff and cold. The next thing I noticed were the voices. Somebody was speaking with someone else in a low tone.

Where was I?

I tried to open my eyes, but they felt so heavy. I felt like I was fighting against a tidal wave of exhaustion.

Did I get black out drunk and spend all day in bed? Why was I so sore? And who was in my apartment?

I let out a small groan as I slowly pried my eyes open and immediately squinted against the bright light. I could hear the voices speaking with a bit more urgency, but I wasn't able to pay much attention to what they were actually saying.

I blinked as I took in bits and pieces of their conversation.

"...waking up!"


" here..."

I tried to turn my head and look around, but a face suddenly appeared above me. An older man, maybe around 65 years old, with a receding hairline and small spectacles perched on his nose looked down at me with clinical interest.

He shined a pen light in my eyes, making me squint against the sudden brightness.

As soon as I was able to focus again, I saw that he was wearing a long white coat and a stethoscope.

Wait. A stethoscope? Was I in the hospital?

The man peered down at me and said, "Ms. Randall, can you hear me?"

I....what was I doing here? I guess my heart rate must have spiked because I could hear a loud beeping sound to my left.

The doctor reached over and pressed a button somewhere behind me, silencing the beeping and looked back down at me.

"I am Dr. Lee, and you are at Samsung Medical Center. You are safe. You are not seriously injured."

My fingers curled around the thin blanket on top of me and I licked my dry lips.

"What happened?" I managed to croak out.

"You don't remember? Well, that is not super surprising, given the circumstances," Dr. Lee said as he wrote something down on his clipboard.

I looked at him quizzically.

"You have found your soulmate Ms. Randall and in doing so, you seem to have been given a little shock. Hence, your fainting incident. We see this sometimes in particularly potent soul bonds."

My soulmate?

The doctor pressed another button as he finished speaking, and I was slowly propped up in bed. A nurse came from somewhere in the room to help me sit up straight by tucking some pillows behind me.

"I am going to let you and your friend here talk for a bit. He has been here the entire time with you," Dr. Lee said.

Friend? Was Lyle here?

The doctor and nurse both moved back but didn't leave the room. I looked around, trying to get a bearing on my surroundings. I was in a private hospital room that had a sad looking sofa shoved against one corner and a small TV mounted to the wall across from it. The curtains were drawn in front of what looked to be a window but judging by the light creeping through, it seemed to be either early in the morning or late in the evening.

Holy crap, if it was light out, then how long had I been out? A whole night? What the hell had happened?

I shifted to look to my left as Taehyung approached my bedside. His clothes were wrinkled, and his hair was a disheveled mess. He cleared his throat and shoved his hands into his pockets as he came to my side.

Unwanted--BTS--Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now