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I died in the most pitiful and stupid way to die-by getting hit by a truck. Of course, no offense to all other comrades who died at the mercy of our enemy Truck, as this was more of a me problem.

I was only a school girl, a very immature and careless school girl, who thought it would be a good idea to get so engrossed within a cliche romance novel that I forgot my surroundings, in the middle of a very, very very busy road while crossing it. Without looking both ways, like I was taught at the very tender raw age of 5. And it just so happened a truck that transported bread (I will never forget this detail) seemed to be driving a little too fast to stop for this nuisance and, *squeal* *crash*, I got ground into adolescent chutney. How very wonderful.
I was so embarrassed and ashamed of myself at that time of death I prayed earnestly to receive punishment for my foolish actions in the blur of memories and 'life flashing before my eyes'.
I never thought that this was how it would end up to be. Let me write it in a fancy way to open a romance, fantasy, isekai novel.

I awoke from my deep slumber, my heavy eyelids fluttering open. "Huh.. where am I?"
A hazy memory of memories from my supposed 'past life' seemed to rush in my mind. This was not my run down, dilapidated room that seemed more of a pig sty than a human dwelling. This room I was currently in was an extremely luxurious haven of lilac, rose and white. Golden curtains hung down the fluffy cloud bed I sat on. The room was steeped with furniture of high quality, a dressing table with a mirror studded with crystals, a wardrobe bigger than my previous house, drawers, glass tables, plump cushioned chairs, sofas and things to recline on. Yet the rooms still had space left and kept its elegance. I slowly lifted myself out of bed and looked at the larger, body sized mirror by the bed. Gasping, I touched my face. I knew this was a new life but I didn't expect myself to change this much! But there seemed to be some familiarity in this face. No way...

I've become a villainess! A villainess destined to die in misery.

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