Chapter 7

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"Haaaah! "
Once again, I'm waking up.. Not from a calm slumber though. This time, it wasn't as hectic as the time I hit my head on the wall. It was quite peaceful actually, and the maid, Lyra I think, was nowhere to be seen.

My head was empty for a bit, then all the events of last night came rushing in. I sat up with a jolt and opened my hand.
A little Silver spoon necklace.

So it wasn't a dream. My memories were a bit if a haze but I remembered Renee and everything she told me, including her heart stopping actions but sadly her beautiful face was blurry in them. Staring at the necklace blankly, I sat on the corner of the bed helplessly. Wait.
Why am I sitting here?
I should get ready!
These few months of so called luxury had spoilt me so much that out of habit I waited to get waited on by the army of maids. First putting in the necklace, I rolled out of the bed and stumbled over to the mirror to get a brush and comb out my hair. I grabbed it and sighed, staring at it sadly.
I couldn't be bothered to do it.
Oh no! I just got poisoned and escaped death by brushing through its closing gates and I'm sad about this?! I'm too deep into this. I pulled my hair in horror trying to pull a face that would  show a dramatic emotion yet still cute, and just at that moment Lyra walked in.
"Oh my lady! You're awake! We were just about to call in the funeral director. This is a miracle! How did you survive such poison! "
She hugged me tight while shrieking in joy and the army of maids came to celebrate, hugging me and pampering me. And finally I was dressed up and being fed happily with unpoisoned desserts for breakfast.
Lyra brought a physician in for further examination and I was all well. Celeste or 'father' did not come to visit me, which wasn't much of a surprise. Considering what happened before. Lyra was also a bit confused why they didn't come, and this confirmed the fact that most of the people in this household didn't know he was the one who tried to kill me.
"You were out for a week and we were losing hope. His excellency bought out an investigation but nothing was found! Oh I'm so glad you finally woke up! " Lyra explained to me what happened in great detail. And after a bit of discussion, I was finally left alone. Sadly she didn't notice my new beautiful necklace though her eye was very keen. And now I decided, it was time to pull off my plan.
'Operation survive for over a year! '

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