Chapter 2

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"My lady! Rise and shine, it time to wake up!"
An unfamiliar voice rang into my ears. My alarm?
"Mm, just five...more..minutes.."
I grunted while burrowing deeper into the blankets. The bed was too comfortable to get out of.

The owner of the ringing voice grabbed the duvet, and I clung onto it. I tumbled over onto the interrupter of my sleep and they screamed. Pulling of the covers from her head, the face of a young woman emerged. Well not very young, young as in 19 or 20.
"My lady!"
She frowned at me.
"You cannot jump at this unsuspecting maid like that. My heart almost leapt out my chest!" She gasped, grasping her chest to emphasise her words.
I glanced at her then climbed over and dumped the fabric mess onto the bed. I raised over to the mirror and posed.
As I had expected, I was still in this body. I flicked my hair, a tangled bird's nest and pouted while cupping my hands around my nice chubby cheeks.
Looking cute as ever, Ceria! Honestly, who could pull off bed hair so well? Ceria of course.
I had ignored the supposed maid who was glaring daggers into my back. I turned in the most fashionable way as possible and cat walked over to her but caught my foot on her unnecessarily long skirt, skidded and fell right onto my face! How embarrassing. The maid started to smirk then got up, brushing herself.
"My lady, you are very busy today. We have no time for such shenanigans. Get up please."
She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Judging from how insolent she was without fear of being punished, I assumed she was pretty close to Ceria and well treated by her.

I followed her obediently and sat at the dressing table as she brushed out the knots and tangles in my very gorgeous hair. I sat silent, and we didn't speak a word to each other. Ugh, it was too awkward. I didn't even know her name! I realised another problem with my new life was the lack of knowledge about Ceria's private life. If I needed to guarantee myself a route far from death, I needed to secure my allies. I couldn't just depend on Kayla Ectere. If I asked for the maid's name would that make her feel like I didn't care about her enough to remember her name? And that would make her feel insignificant and hurt. And that could form a grudge against me! I chewed my thumb while thinking about these possibilities of enmities.

"My lady, it is bad to chew your nails."
The maid's calm voice scared me! Of course the silence being interrupted could be quite a start. I think she heard me yelp.
"My lady, you are so fragile and easily scared! Oh what would you do without me?" She added in a smug tone. I kept quiet, just to not blow my cover. I still needed time to study other people Ceria was close to so I could be more like her. The maid seemed to feel the unease that built up.
"Lady Ceria, did I offend you? Please forgive this old lady, I just enjoy teasing you. Do not be afraid to put me back in my place!"
"No it's fine.." I murmured, deep in thought.

At that moment, I received the most brilliant idea. I'm just going to restate my warning, I was not the brightest of all bulbs, in this case candlelights, please note. I stood up, the mysterious maid was startled and dropped the hair brush. I walked purposely over to the wall and with all my force and Ceria's body power, I bashed my head onto it.
'Oh please don't make me lose my current memories with this' I sobbed while praying earnestly, and I dropped onto the ground.

"My lady what on earth are you doing! Oh lord what is with this woman?" I heard the maid rush over to me calling out for other strangers of this household.

What a lovely start to the least now I'll have a reason for Ceria's sudden memory loss.

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