Chapter 12

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As promised, Celeste had someone send the travel scrolls down. Lyra finished packing clothes, toiletries and food; finally it was time to set off.

We stepped outside; it was dark and the moon was already out. There was a dull red carriage waiting as well, with a sleepy coachman.
"It's already this late...? " I airily cried out while putting a hand on my head.
"My lady.. I told you it's best to leave tomorrow. We haven't eaten and there are no restaurants up to our standards in Bethera. "
"We have food packed it should be fine!  Now how do these work..?"
Clumsily, I tried to tear up the scrolls, just to be stopped by Lyra.
"What on earth are you doing you clueless girl!? " She shrieked and grabbed them from me. She pulled out a little glass fountain pen, scribbled 'Bethera' on it and stuck it on the carriage.
"Get in. " She ordered in a dead pan voice.
I obediently got in as she set a flame on the paper.

The carriage rumbled on forward, there were no horses, as it seemed to be a mix of the regular car and fancy carriage. It looked very.. Strange.

Less than a minute passed and the surroundings had completely changed from the forest leading to the Roscare Mansion to a poverty stricken village. The houses were just wooden shacks with hay roofs, some houses even looking like the houses from Cavemen times! The darkness of night made it look like a ghost town, with the odd yellow blare from inns filled with drunkards. There were many dark alleyways and a thick, smoky mist seemed to envelope the squalid environment. Muddy sidewalks, rocky and dislodged block pavements, this little so called town had so much work to be done!

The carriage had begun to shake from the stray pebbles, rocks and out of place blocks. Lyra, who had fell asleep next to me woke up with a start as the ride began to jostle violently.
"Oh goodness! I guess we are here.. My lady, would you like something to eat? We must find an inn to stay at.. "
"Lyra.. If I eat right now I'll choke.. "
Lyra had brought up an important thing again. Where were we going to sleep? I sheepishly turned to her.
"We can go foraging for a bit.. But we may have to sleep in the carriage.. "
"Nonsense! Wilfred, let's go and find an inn after parking in a safe place. My lady.. You stay hidden here and don't make a noise. We'll come back for you once we find an available inn."
Wilfred must be the coachman.
"Lyra, it's only right I come with you.."
"Nonsense! It's so muddy, you'll dirty your clothes! ”
She and Wilfred stepped out after parking near a suspicious alley. However there were little gas lamp illuminating the streets ahead. 
From the light, to my surprise, Wilfred, who I had expected to be an old sleepy man, was a young man who looked around Lyra's age, with a muscular body and bright smile. He beamed at me, a genuine smile unlike the evil Celeste's, and handed me a dagger.
" Just incase you get kidnapped. AAAAHAA my lady you are so cruel making us go out in the middle of the night! I don't even drive carriages.. " He yawned loudly and complained jokingly before following Lyra. And then I was alone. And bored.

I decided to munch on some desserts while writing what I knew about Kayla. Rumoured to be with Baron so and so... Human trafficking.. Most likely in a suspicious area.. Age 18.. Likes strawberry cream cakes.. Oh shoot I ate the cake for her!
As I scribbled on, I heard loud voices emerging from the suspicious alleyway, surprisingly with the posh accent of nobility. What would a noble be doing here, other than me!? Oh no.. Unless..
I ducked under the seat, strongly gripping my Kayla fact sheet.

"This carriage looks so expensive. What's another noble doing here?"
"It better not be that prince watching us.. How infuriating he is. Once this is over we can gain power and assassinate him! HoHo! ”
" Let's check who's in there, we should teach those spies a lesson right? Baron Joren? "

Crap! What on earth was he doing here!? I swear he should have been locked up.  I could hear their footsteps approaching the carriage. Grabbing the dagger, I earnestly prayed, please please don't come here!
They were all in vain. A meaty red face with froggy eyes peered through the carriage and saw me crouched below.
"Hoh? What a pretty lady this is.. Baron, she'll be perfect for the business.. "

Business....what business! Oh Renee please export me out of this situation!

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