Chapter 16

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"Oh no.. My servants.. They're probably worried.. Oh crap. Crap crap!"
The crown prince was looking at me, a concerned expression on his face. Concerned as in, 'has this girl lost it?'
"You had servants? But you seemed to be alone in that scene. Should they be servants?"
Kayla asked, looking at me with an amused but quizzical expression.
"Yes, they left me there because only two were present and they were going to check an inn nearby."
"What about an escort? Didn't you bring one? Every noble girl has an escort, for someone as pampered as you, even a servant partaking in your..sneaking off activities should have persuaded you into having an escort. Unless of course you are an imposter, trying to spy on us." Mikhael finally spoke after recovering.
Escort.. I hadn't thought about that. Why didn't Lyra leave Wilfred with me? No she's also a young woman who wouldn't be safe walking alone in such an environment. And I had the carriage.. Right?
"You also used such strange words. Crap? What is that, a code language? Perhaps she is planning an ambush."
He hadn't released his hand from the sheath. I had forgotten some words in my vocabulary may not have existed in this world.
"Um, it was gibberish. I'm very worried. I must hurry, ah, what time is it.. Will they still be there?"
I tried to stand up and walk to the door but surprisingly, Kayla blocked my way.
"My lady, I'm afraid I can't let you go all by yourself~ and what if you are a spy? I can't let you know where you are right now can I?"
She chuckled.
"Finally Kayla, you understand my concerns. Listen imposter. You can go find your so called servants. But you're being accompanied. By Kayla. I won't be able to be with you, but if you really are proven innocent, you're gonna forget about everything that happened here. If you really are a spy then, prepare for the worst consequence ever!"
The prince gave me one last glare before leaving. He hadn't berated me for not bowing, never mentioned his name, and didn't have any Royal sign on his clothes. He was definitely hiding his identity, it was probably best I continued pretending to not know him at times like this. As soon as he left, Kayla beamed at me.
"Let's go then, but keep your eyes closed. I'll tell you when we get there."
Oh boy, this was ridiculous. But I closed my eyes. I prayed earnestly, once again, that for some reason Lyra and Wilfred lingered around the carriage, though it was probably in a hopeless state.. I wondered how they were feeling, panicked definitely. Maybe they'd tell Celeste? Oh he would probably be leaping for joy to have gotten rid of me.

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