Chapter 3

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Another start, another waking. Voices surrounded me.
"Doctor, she's moving!"
This was a man's voice, smooth like cream. It was young as well. My curiosity was too much for me and I slowly opened my eyes, to find a handsome young man in front of me! He had shining blonde hair and alluring, brightly coloured eyes, and had a similar appearance to me, Ceria. Was this Celeste? He had been done dirty in the novel. He was described as the 'average' man. Oh dear god this man was more prettier than the average model! And his lovely voice added to it! If he is an average man then what would the crown prince look like?!

"Ceria you're finally awake! Father! Hey you! Fetch the Duke! She's awake, oh goodness you were out for a good few hours. Are you hungry? Does your head still hurt?"
My act! My plan rushed back to my mind of pretending to lose my memory.
I stared blankly at my brother.
His excitement and relief faded to a worried soft tone as he slowly realised my memory was gone. I hadn't expected this act to work so well!
Celeste grabbed my shoulders gently.
"Ceria do you remember me? It's me your brother, Celeste!"
I pulled a face of concentration and placed my hand on my forehead as if I was thinking extremely hard.
"Ah.. yes Celeste. Wait....when I fainted a maid helped me. Please..I want to thank her. I-I don't know what was I was thinking back then.."
I put my head in my hands as if to cry.
"Ceria! You've been working to hard. I'll get the maid please don't cry-"
Out of nowhere a deep voice came out and an older man who looked about forty came over and hugged me tight. It was the Duke.
"Are you ok? Papa's here don't cry sweetie!"
My eyes widened.
No way... Not her father too!
Ceria's family is so protective of her!
"I'm ok..father..?"
He stared at my dumbstruck. Celeste with a wobbly voice and teary eyes explained about my memory loss, before rushing out the room, emotional.
"How has this happened? Bring that irresponsible servant who dared to cause this!" Father declared.
"N-no I caused this.."
Oh god, I never expected so much commotion. I had expected Ceria's family to be distant from her considering how she had turned out. I only wanted to know the poor maid's name. I should have just asked without being so paranoid.
"My lord, I am here."
I gasped as I heard the familiar voice. It was the maid! I tried to make eye contact with her but she always managed to avoid my gaze. Her head was bowed.
"Please, forgive this lowly servant. I shall accept any punishment given my lord."
"No! It's all my fault father, I hit my head myself!"
The maid sharply raised her head and gave me a look that seemed to say 'shut up' but lowered her head quickly.
A gasp went from the room. I was so distracted by the commotion between Celeste and the Duke that I failed to notice that a physician, a butler and five servants were gathered around.
Oh no.
They were whispering to each other.
I remembered that in the novel, servants were described as nosy and that they loved to gossip. One of the conflicts in the original plot was that one of the servants of the Ectere household learned about Kayla's past that was being a prostitutes daughter and shared it around. It spread around so quickly that all the nobles had heard about it!

I wonder what people would know me as if the information got spread around.
'The mad dog of Roscare'
'The depressed lady'
'The self harmer'
Oh god..I sure hope Kayla Ectere doesn't hear of this...

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