Chapter 6

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My head was pounding and my body ached all over. Even breathing was a burden on my heaving chest, as though boulders were piled up on it. To add to my misery, a hushed voice kept blowing into my ear like a harsh gust of wind. It kept buzzing like a fly and persisting like a mosquito.
"Ugh..get lost.."
I swatted my hand around and it hit against soft skin, a slap sound resonating from my palm.
Oh no.
I sat up suddenly, grabbing my chest in pain.
A ridiculously high and breathy voice shrieked.
"How could youuuuu! To your saviour and lady.."
I twisted my paining head around in annoyance and gasped.
Infront of me, the most beautiful woman sat dramatically wiping a tear daintily. Thick, wavy silver hair shrouded her shoulders and was tied up in a loose plait like hair style. Long thick lashes, a slight darker shade of her hair cast a shadow over golden irises with jewelled ink pupils and speckless eyes that shed crystalline tears, glistening like fresh morning dew. Coral lips, plump and soft, were pouting and her nose looked carved like a carefully made Greek sculpture, lightly brushed with pink. The woman's skin was free of all blemishes and seemed to glow. Although her slim figure was plainly clothed with a pearly white garment tied with rope, she would probably still be able to outshine the most extravagantly dressed person on earth. Her beauty was exquisite. Otherworldly. Ethereal. The first word to pop up in one's mind when seeing her would be 'goddess'. Goddess..

I had been so distracted I didn't realise where I was. Beauty distracts me a lot. As I've said, I am a simple and not so very bright person.

I looked around at my surroundings.

A blank box of white.

Confused, I spun around to take in my surroundings. Just blank. A blank infinity of emptiness.

"Is this heaven?" I thought out loud.
It surely must be. A blank, very unnatural place with a literal goddess I think in it. Not even Ceria, the ultimate example, the true definition of 'cutesy' match up to this, ethereal, out of this world, jaw dropping, eye widening beauty-the epitome of grace and elegance that stood before me.!

"Not even asking if I'm ok! How inconsiderate, considering I'm your saviour. You should be on your knees but I'm not a tyrant like the others."

My lady, the ultimate beauty opened her mouth to.... nag at me.

"You're not in would've been if it weren't for me. Actually, you would be burning in Hell haha."
She answered my accidently revealed question!
"Uh.. I dead?"
"HA! Miss! Your being all polite now. I'm not like the other tyrants so you should think yourself lucky I'm not making you bow head-on-floor apologising!"
Tyrants? Lucky? What was she on about. This Beauty is becoming like a nut case painted in gold..

"Please.. Oh great and wonderful Madame.. This small brained peasant does not understand the high level intelligence that you euhm.. Spout out. Please translate.. "

The lady looked at me as if I was the nut case just not painted in gold. She coughed, gazed into my eyes and took a deep breath.
"I'm Renee and I'm the being that saved you from being put into the hands of another god who would take advantage the situation you were in and give you a life full of misery for eternity and I also saved you just now and if I didn't do anything you would be lying in a pool of blood in excruciating pain."
Words rushed out of her like water and she grasped at her chest, catching her breath.
I stood for a moment, trying to comprehend the heavy information she gave me.
"Uh, will you please elaborate?"
"On what?" Renee asked.
I waved my hand.
"Ahh uhm.. You know on why you would save such a measly mortal like me.. Heh.? "
"Ah you see..ahem." She coughed, straightening herself.
"As you should know, you are not from this world."
My eyes widened, how would she know?
"I know because I'm the one who brought you here. Don't say a word..let me explain." She put a finger to my lips and took a very very deep breath.
"So basically you were completely squished between that bread truck."
I rolled my eyes, I didn't like where this was going. Such embarrassing memories I wished to bury deep into the dark murky depths of my soul.
"You then so earnestly prayed for a punishment for the irresponsible deed of reading romance novels while walking across a busy highway. So I decided to pounce on this chance and deliver it. I'm the one in charge of all the worlds and realms and stuff so since you were reading that romance novel while crossing the road.. I decided to transport you to that novel!"
She beamed at me, and I stared back, mouth agape.
"And, what better punishment is to be put in the body of a character destined to die which you don't know a thing about! It would definitely teach you about responsibility and the true value of life as you were willing to die by reading a messed up romance novel ha ha! I'm good at teaching lessons right!"
She peered at my face, her bright smile turning awkward.
"Well...heh I felt kinda bad after you got poisoned in your first few months so I've brought you back to life!"
"I died?!"
"Oh no no..hehe I worded that wrong!" Renee gibbered.
"It's a suprise your current body managed to fight against such strong poison..where did he even get that from.."
"Oh nothing nothing! Hehehe.."
"You clearly said something..nevermind. Hey since you feel bad for me, why don't you tell me why Celeste poisoned me? You know, my so called brother."
"Ohh, straightforward aren't ya hehe."
"I wish I could say that about you.."

I grabbed her hand. She was taken aback but didn't pull away.
"Please.." I begged, giving her puppy eyes. "I'm going to die in a year or so confirmed and I barely have a plan to survive that let alone a household with a ticking time bomb preparing to kill me. At least tell me why my brother is trying to kill me?"

"Haa, you certainly seem to have gotten into the role of Ceria." Renee turned her head away, guiltily.
"I can't give you much information, my mouth is locked from spilling so much about this world to its subjects, now that you are part of it."
"Every little helps..hehe."
"Your brother hates you and wants you dead because he believes you killed his mother. He believes you 'ate her up' and that you'll eat all his loved ones. He sees you as a threat after you took over Ceria's body due to po-ack uh.. unknown forces."
"Hah, how sad. Putting all the blame on me for the death of his mother through birth complications."
Something told me that wasn't the entire truth though, he didn't seem like the person do think such way, it seemed more like 'my' father who would think that. But what can I say? I don't know anything about this world, and the people in it.
This is so clique. I swear I've seen this plot, but I guess from Celeste's view it's sad.
"Ah about that.. actually nevermind. I've given you that much information now."
I watched Renee tentatively, there seemed to be a dangerous yet sweet curl to her voice. Smiling gently , she stepped forward and leaned beside my head, her soft silver hair fluttering by my shoulders, her warm breath tickling my ear.
"Since I've given you so much information...isn't it time to give me something back? I've done so much for you anyways.."
I drew in a breath and felt the tip of my ears turn red. I was reminded once againhow beautiful Renee was. She gave off a light and delicate scent of dahlias and she stayed in that position for a short while. After what seemed to be the longest few seconds of my life, she grinned and brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear
"Haha, did I startle you? Don't worry, it was just a joke I played on you. You already paid the price to me. My, it was so cute seeing you so flustered! Hoho, careful, a fly might fly into your mouth."
Mouth wide open, I stared at her, speechless. Please! That.. A joke? My beautiful lady I very almost fell for you there! Please filter this gorgeousness, I can't handle it! My heart is too weak huuhu!
"My dear Ceria, a mosquito will fly into your mouth. "
I shut it tight.

"Wow look at the time! My,nCeria I'm afraid its time to go!"
"So sad to go huh? Don't worry~ I can always talk to you another time. Come and give me a hug!"
She embraced me tightly and kissed me gently on the head. My heart was going to explode! She was like a bug sister. She leaned down to to whisper once again, in a sheepish tone of voice now.
"I'm gonna confess to you.. you're the first person I've brought to another world hehe."
"Am I?"
"You don't have much reaction to this. Ah! I almost forgot!"
Renee fumbled around in her garments and revealed a necklace with a strange metal spoon shaped ornament hanging from it.
She gave it to me and I observed it.
"What's this for?"
"Use it to test for poison haha!"
"Ugh, you really enjoy this don't you."
"Hehe. It's almost time to go! Also, good luck with your plan."
"Which plan?" I was a bit confused.
"Oh you know, making friends with the original female lead."
"What do you mean 'original'..hey wait, how did you know!?"
Then my vision swirled, the last thing I saw was Renee blowing a kiss, smirking. That was... Too much for me.

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