Chapter 10

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How was I supposed to reach Bethera in a day. I had nothing planned, I barely remembered what would go on in this specific event! Now I was dragging Lyra to pack all sorts of things suitable to give out for charity.  I would definitely not be able to do all this and reach the small village in a single day, even if we travelled non- stop. Unless. Unless I asked for a travel scroll.

Travel scrolls aren't scrolls, they're just blank pieces of paper where you write the location you want to go then burn it up, and almost instantly you are transported there. These papers are so useful especially for a lazy person like me. But these I needed right now. However, in order to get one, I would need to give through great difficulty. Not expense, not hard travels or rare ingredients. I had to ask the Father.. And that meant a higher chance of running into Celeste.

If I bring Lyra along.. Maybe I wouldn't be in so much danger.

I watched Lyra grab the sandwiches speedily prepared and hastily packed them into baskets.
"What is it now Lady? " She sounded fed up.
"Come with me. I'm gonna ask for a travel scroll. She glared at me and sighed, leaving what she was doing to follow me.
I'm so sorry Lyra! Please bear with me for a bit..!

In the end, I was the one following Lyra. I was still not familiar with the way around the house. We trudged towards a tall wooden door decorated with the Family emblem. The door to my fate.. Would I exit alive or dead?

I knocked tentatively. Each one of the three knocks echoed out into the empty corridors. And then silence

" Come in. " A young voice boomed from within. I felt like I needed to rush to the toilet, a bead of sweat formed on my forehead and now I was was truly dreading stepping in. I clung onto Lyra's sleeve, she glared at me but accompanied me in.

And to my horror, well I was already expecting this, I saw Celeste sitting where Duke Roscare was supposed to sit, smiling like a killer who found his prey. Yeah, I wouldn't exit this door alive. Maybe Lyra would drag my dead body out, if she was feeling generous.

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