Chapter 13

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Petrified, I shakily held up the dagger at the perpetrators.
"D-don't come near me.. Or you'll f-face the consequences! "
"Hah! What's a little, frail girl like you going to do to us? Let us in darling.. We'll be good to you. " The fat old man rolled his words and licked his lips. A sleazy smirk spread across his face as he shook the carriage door fiercely. I clenched to other side of the door and tried my best to keep the door shut tight.


A pistol shot rang aloud, causing my eardrums to feel as they were exploding. Glass shattered around me as I braced myself from the pieces that hit hard against my skin. To my horror, the door burst open and the man grabbed my wrist with his sausage fingers and threw me on the ground. Behind him was a short, menacing man, who looked more like a Betheran local and a tall, slim older man who was the one responsible for the pistol shot. He was the best dressed out of them all, and I assumed this must be the Joren Creep.
Fortunately, the dagger was near me so I grabbed it and struck the one who grabbed me, a slice surprisingly cutting through his thick, sweaty cheek. It wasn't very much, but a good distraction. After all, I wouldn't be able to handle more blood spill.
He momentarily let go of my wrist and I tried to run away, but the dwarf grabbed my hair and ragged it back.

"Wretch! An arrogant noble like you, how foolish we were to be so good to you! "
"Good my a-you dare lay your hand upon the 'precious' daughter of Roscare? " I screamed at him, kicking at his miniature structure.
"What a liar! The Duke would never let his daughter go to such deprived place! Catch her! "
I sprinted as fast as I could; the bottom of my dress tore and I lost a heel of my shoes. I tripped over, and just then, a bullet flew over my head.
What luck.... Maybe Renee really was protecting me.
I had forgotten that I was a lone, weak teen against three old men with a pistol. I was bound to lose this fight. It hadn't even been a year, yet my end was so close....

It's over now. I should just accept it. My eyes shut tight,preparing for the worst.


I flinched, but there's no pain.. Wait, the pistol didn't belong to the group.
Slowly lifting my head, my eyes met another pair of eyes, that were blaring golden in the lugubrious fog of night. They belonged to a masked figure, dark locks of thick dark hair escaping the hood in the wind, a golden pistol in their hand.

My saviour!

The figure squinted at me before pulling down the mask to a jaw droppingly, gorgeous and exquisite face.

"If you're squeamish, it's best you close your eyes. We don't want those pretties to lose their glimmer do we?"

A deep, smooth voice whispered
charming words in my ears with a small yet radiant smile reflecting into my pupils. I clenched my eyes shut and covered my ears as more pistol shots and shrieks came from behind me, attempting to keep the soft whisper in my memory and their gentle yet fierce expression to comfort me.

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