Chapter 11

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"G-good...lovely day bro.... ther."
I awkwardly curtsied, trying to maintain eye contact. I couldn't make myself look weak.
"Why hello Ceria! It is indeed a lovely day. " Celeste brightly answered back, his smile widening. He looked like the Cheshire Cat.
I fiddled with my fingers while smiling back at him.
For a while.

"Well, what brings you here dear sister? I'm afraid father is not here at present moment, but your dear brother can be of help to you. "
He finally broke the silence.
"Ah.. Of course.. Uhm. I was just wondering if-"
"Oh no need to wonder about anything my dear sister, your dear brother can deal with any problem or grant any wish of yours. "
How rude of him to cut me off! Oh how I wished to slap that smirk off his insolent face...if only he wasn't so dangerous.
I attempted a smile brighter than his.
"Oh, am I so lucky to have a dear brother like you! I wish to travel to Bethera with Lyra, however I want to reach as soon as possible, so please may I have some travel scrolls?" Through gritted teeth, I requested the scrolls in the sweetest voice possible. He would definitely give me some, and not try anything funny as Lyra was watching.
Celeste's smile faded slightly.
"Of course Ceria, a servant will bring them to your room. When will you be getting back? "
"Uhhh, in two three days.. "
"Enjoy your trip! I will see you soon.. "
Celeste waved at me as I left the room.
Haaa, I escaped alive. I turned to Lyra.
"Come on, let's go! "
"My lady... the scrolls haven't arrive and we have to pack clothes and money if its a trip of few days"
"Oh.. Oh no! We have to hurry, it's already evening! "
"My lady.. We don't even have accommodations planned to rest the night, let's just go tomorrow.. "
"No! We'll be out of time then! "
"Haha.. This girl.. " Lyra sighed.

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