Chapter 5

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As I walked into the main dining room, I was shocked at all its splendour. Carpets colored crimson like wine spilled over the pine wooden flooring. Cream coloured walls, decorated with paintings carefully created hung on fine gold string. Furniture ranging from cabinets showcasing rich wines to glasses and pottery surrounded the room, where a crystal chandelier hung down, illuminating the dining table below. Set out with goods and rich foods of all sorts, the savoury smell beckoned me forward and I silently took a seat opposite my brother at the table. The table wasn't very wide, but there still seemed to be a distance from me and him. I had expected an outburst but a calm rested in the room. However, there was an ominous feel to the it.
I was an absolute glutton, and the delicacies set before me had my mouth watering, but now, it made me feel nauseous. Has the atmosphere always been so..stifling? It must be the nervousness of eating alone with my new family for the first time.

When I entered the room, Celeste only gave me a slight nod but Father ignored me completely. My existence seemed to not hold much importance as it had after my incident. I was confused, as my impression on this family was of being overprotective and loving. The lack of knowledge on Ceria's life annoyed me, it had made it difficult to enjoy the luxurious life given to me yet still try grip my chance of survival.

The main course had been eaten in silence, I hadn't managed to finish it. It was medium rare steak, garnished with herbs and had a side of vegetables. I didn't like raw meat, and the tense setting was too unsettling to have a meal. Now it was time for dessert, but the Duke suddenly got up and left. Maybe he didn't like desserts.
For some reason, my stomach became heavy. The servants bringing in the desserts were indifferent to the scene and set out the table, taking away the finished plates and cutlery, replacing them.
Yes, the Duke doesn't like desserts.

Celeste had been watching me squirm restlessly, and my eye caught his. He gave me a small smile and pushed a slice of cake towards me.
"Father had business to attend to. Don't worry, he's just been a bit stressed. He's even had the chef prepare your favourite cake."
His voice was sweet just like the cake before me. His smile widened and his eyes were curved like a waned moon.
I lifted up the corner of my lips. I felt there was something odd, and my guts told me not to touch the cake. But his eyes were on me, assessing everything I was doing. I realised just then, that Ceria's life was not so easy. I messed up. Her family was not so overprotective.
I swallowed nervously and mumbled.
"I'm so sorry...I don't feel very well."
Celeste's smile twitched.
"Don't worry Ria. Just a little bit of sugar won't kill you. "
Probably a nickname.
I stared at the cake. It was a vanilla cake, cream and jam between it, decorated with fondant and topped with a rose petal. I took a spoon then glanced up at my brother. He nodded as to say go on.
I scooped up a corner of the cake, nibbling at the fondant first before pushing it into my mouth.
Nothing happened. I sighed in relief.

Then a strange feeling, like a shock, shook my body.


Blood flowed out my mouth.
I began to cough out more feeling light headed.
"Oh Ceria..I had a feeling you weren't being yourself. Dear sister, I'm doing a favour for you."
Celeste leaned over the table, grinning. I hadn't realised how tall he was, it was intimidating and frightening, now that I knew he was my enemy.
He held up my chin, his smile gone, a cruel and conceding gaze replacing it.
"Who are you?"
I glared at him, attempting to hide the fear that filled me up.
"I'm a skin walker. "
I smirked at his startled face before passing out.
I've done it know. My big mouth blurted out such a stupid thing in a serious situation. Oh what was I going to do? Nothing. I was probably dead.

I had been poisoned by Ceria's own brother. The Duke probably had something to do with this as well. Or maybe he really did know I wasn't Ceria herself and wanted to get rid of the imposter.

What a weirdo. I swear he was a big siscon just the day before. Yeah so I'm not actually Ceria but I'm still physically Ceria just not uh in soul if you understand. I'm pretty sure the father had something to do with this as well.
How will I get through this troublesome life if it hasn't ended already?!

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