Chapter 4

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I stared at the Duke and he stared blankly at me. The maid, the one who was with me, had her head down so low while her shoulders trembled. He coughed after a long awkward silence.
"Ceria, you should get some rest after eating." He murmured before speed walking out the door. The Doctor, servants and butler followed him out hurriedly without a glance back.

The maid and I were left in the room. I'd never felt so awkward in my entire life, including the past one.
She raised her head.
"I'll get you some sandwiches my lady." She muttered before rushing off.
I sighed. I still didn't get her name.

All that for nothing! I pulled myself out the bed. I dragged myself over to the mirror. Awh, Ceria's beautiful face had a red mark right on the forehead. I tried arrange the fringe to cover it. There was no point, I would get styled up soon. I was frowning into the mirror, trying to make myself prettier, just as the mysterious maid walked in with a trolley filled with snacks and sandwiches. She scrunched her face up, observing me.
"My lady, you are looking beautiful as ever, please sit and eat."

The food looked delicious! I sat down eagerly and attempted to shove all the food into my face, but something shocking happened. Ceria's body, as if trained like a robot, naturally took the utensils and gracefully nibbled at the cake. The maid watched in satisfaction.
"My lady, though you have been getting stranger, you still maintain that elegance of a true noble. I wonder if your behaviour is influenced by a secret lover maybe?"
I stared at her in horror. I would act like this in my past let me yet my parents knew that I would never date anyone. But of course for Ceria, since she's so pretty, she would definitely have many suitors though seventeen was a pretty young age.
I shook my head.
"Who would I elope with? Please be practical uh.."
I searched for a substitute for the maid's name.
"Oh my lady! You have forgotten my name! Am I that insignificant to you, though I have been with you for so long?"
No! She better be joking.
"I'm sorry, your name slipped my mind..I hit my head too hard.."
I clenched my eyes shut to try force a tear for emphasis.
The maid giggled.
"Of course my lady. My name is Lyra. If you forget..I'm joking haha!"
"Ah..of course not"
So the maid's name was Lyra.

"My lady if you are finished, I'll get you something to drink."
"Thank you..Lyra"
She beamed at me and took the tray away. I collapsed back on the bed.
She was gonna misunderstand anyways, why on earth did I bash my head against the wall?
Not only have I threatened my own name and status, I've put dirt on the Roscare name and probably my impressions on Kayla is ruined. Haa. I'm so dumb.

Well now the name problem is mostly cleared, I've gotten a clearer image on Ceria's family. Now all I gotta do is form some sort of acquaintances with Kayla.
I shut my eyes and took a deep breath through my nostrils.
Life is too hard!

And that's what I thought, downing honey drizzled apple juice while being tended to haha.
I never fully got to enjoy the experience of having my hair brushed. The gentle tug at the head was so comforting. And then a lovely calming bath, with rose petals in the perfectly warmed water! Sanitation wasn't even bad for a historical novel. There were toilets for me to do my business that were clean. After the bath, I was massaged with fragrances and essential oils. Then I was able to choose an extremely expensive, high quality dress to wear. Then light makeup to emphasise my features. It even hid the bruise on my forehead so well! If course my hair was redone into a half up half down style. I looked jaw droppingly...gorgeous, pretty, beautifully, awe striking! I posed for a bit then was escorted down for supper with my very lovely family. What a calm schedule!
And that's what I thought, until I walked into the dining room.

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