Chapter 17

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Well, this was awkward.
I had to have my eyes closed all the way out the building, till we had left that area completely. To make it worse, Kayla had blindfolded me and was pushing me to the carriage location. She had suggested a leash! Which I quite obviously turned down.

Finally, after wandering for a while, I could finally take the blind fold off.
"Do you have any idea where the carriage actually is?"
I asked her, curiously. She chuckled and then stared forward blankly. After a pause, she finally murmured something sheepishly.
I stared at her in disbelief.
"Do you even know where we are?"
"... Uh, maybe.. Actually.. No.."
Oh god. I took a deep breath in to keep myself from strangling her like that one scene in the Simpsons. Remember the plan Ceria... Do it for the plan. I managed to force a smile.
"Ah.. Uh.."
Suddenly, I remembered this place. I had passed it in the carriage when arriving. But then that meant.. We were on the outskirts of the village.
"Actually, I think I've passed this place. If my intuition is correct.. We should go straight forward and see an old building."
"Oh you know the way?"
She asked, surprise briefly passing her face.

"I, kind of.."
I nodded and walked forward, looking around. The town looked a lot different now since there was day light. It looked a lot less intimidating, but it's pitiful state was really revealed now. Each speck of dirt and dust was visible. I wouldn't be surprised if they chucked waste out of the window. I couldn't blame them, the bathrooms were quite a depressing state at this time. I had an intricately designed.. Porclein pot. At least I could poop prettily. If that was what the upper society got, I couldn't dare imagine what the lower ends got.

I glanced over at Kayla, she didn't seem too bothered about the filth. I had expected a more, disappointed expression; this was her home town after all. However she was deep in thought, eyes blank staring into space. I guess she felt me staring as she looked up, meeting my eyes with a startled smile.
"What's wrong? You forgot the way?"
".. No.."

This had to be the way, I was sure.
I was right.
In front of us, lay my carriage in very bad conditions. Bad was an understatement. It was totally destroyed! But to my horror, my brother was there with a distressed Lyra and Wilfred! What was Celeste doing here?!

"Oh it seems some people reached before us...hey, you've gone pale. You okay?"
Kayla broke my surprised silence with concern. I rubbed my forehead.
"No. That's my, family."
"Ah. You should go ahead. They look quite shaken."
I nodded and took a few steps forward. But Kayla didn't follow! I looked back, confused.
"Aren't you coming?"
She shook her head as she leaned back.
"I've got some.. Affairs to deal with. Why, you scared to go alone?"
She smirked and shrugged.
"That's your brother right? I doubt he'll let anything happen to you, you're almost in his view."

Heh.... If only she knew. Her smirk faded as she saw my expression.
"I'll watch you from here. Don't worry no one will kidnap you or anything. Go ahead."
She signalled with her hand, a reassuring smile. She totally missed the point!! I held in a sigh and was about to walk off when I remembered.
"Hey, can we be friends?"
She froze.
I realized how sudden that was.
"Umm, like, can I write to you and stuff? Or you write to me."
Kayla stared at me like I had just asked her to kill someone. Her eyes went blank again before nodding.
"I guess, no promises though."
"Great! I.. You know where the Roscare manor is right? I'm sure you'll know someone who wrote letters there before. You have to write to me! If you don't, I will find you."
She just burst out into laughter.
"Sure little lady. I'll write to you. I doubt you'll be able to find me though. You should go now."
I looked at her then turned around walking. I looked back one last time, she was still watching as promised. She grinned with a small wave, I waved back and walked on.

This was not gonna be the last time we met. I was dead serious when I said I'd find her. She had no idea about what I knew.

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