Chapter 14

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"Mmph.. "
Once again, I awoke from my slumber. How many times have I woken up after a stressful situation? But I wasn't in my bedroom this time. I was in a bedroom, but a very plain one. The bed was pretty big though. However the mattress was hard and the pillows were flat and warm.
Both sides.

I pushed myself up and sat zoned out for a moment. Wait..
Suddenly, all the events from last night rushed into my mind and I finally realised that I shouldn't be here.

Aren't I supposed to be dead? No that person saved me. Wait where is Lyra? Where am I?

I was too busy pulling my hair and thinking that I didn't hear the little wooden door creak open.

"Ah, you're finally awake. "
A smooth, honey sweet voice flowed into my ears. A familiar honey sweet voice. A tall girl in a simple dress walked in, approaching me. She was unrecognisable except her striking eyes. It was the person who saved me! I stared at her, stupefied.

"You were out for so long I started to worry that a bullet did go through your head unnoticed. Of course that would be unrealistic as nothing can come past me . " She ignored my stare and placed a hand against my forehead.
"No fever. That's good. But you should close your mouth if you don't want a spider to crawl in hahaha.! "She slowly pushed my chin to close my agape mouth. This gave me a sense of deja vu.
" Uh.. who are you? " I finally spoke.
"Aha, finally you opened your mouth. I was wondering if you were also taught to keep your pretty lips shut to not crack them! "
" W-what? Anyways who are you?" Would this person also be difficult like a certain person?
"Who am I, you ask? " The girl stared at the ceiling with her finger on her cheek for a moment. "I am.. Your saviour! " She chuckled.
" No, who are you. .? "
"Your saviour! "
"Thank you for saving me. "
"No problem! "
" But who are you? "
"Whoever you think I am! "
"But I don't know who you are.. "

How annoying! This conversation wasn't getting anywhere. However I had some suspicions about who this mysterious person was.

"Kayla! Why on earth have you brought a random girl to this place? "
Aha! My suspicions were correct! Though I had almost lost my life, I had managed to catch up with the plot. But who was shouting?
The door burst open, and a beautiful man with platinum locks of hair and crystalline blue eyes stood with a frown on his radiant face.
Too bright! This must certainly be, the Crown Prince, Mikhael!

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