Chapter 15

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I stared, dumbfounded at the doorway, my eyes squinting from the light. Kayla was also a bit surprised, with a tinge of annoyance on her face, but it was wiped away into a smile.
"This isn't some random girl, Mikheal. This is our guest.. " She cut off, looking at me for an answer.
"Uh, Ceria Roscare." I answered, a bit confused on if I should bow or just continue being clueless.
Now it was the Crown Prince's turn to look at me, in disbelief.
"Hah, Roscare? Duke Roscare wouldn't send his precious daughter to such a.. remote and rough area. I'm afraid Kayla, that this is an imposter."
He placed his hand on his sheath, a sword on his waist. Not again! I was *not* risking death again. What was I to say?!
"I-I snuck out! I wanted adventure as my father never let me out.. But it led to this." I blurt out. The honest truth is Duke Roscare wouldn't have even cared if I was here or not, but I guess everyone thinks he is a daughter-con.
He rolled his eyes to my statement.
"As if. I doubt the real Ceria Roscare would have such... aspirations. I recall the last time I saw her, she was a frail, pale thing, literally clinging on to her brother. You however, certainly do not look frail, weak yes, but not frail, and you are full of colour!"
I mean, he was right about that. The previous Ceria would stay in her room all day and barely ate, until she saw the crown prince and tried becoming more stronger to look beautiful, though the next time she properly encountered him was at her death. I helped colour her pallid cheeks after waking up here, trying to go on as many outings as possible and stuffing myself with snacks and indulging in the luxurious meals.
"I've been eating healthier and have been going on many outings as.... uh I was instructed by my private.. um.. Family Doctor." I managed to make up an excuse, but before the prince could retort, Kayla put an arm around me and replied.
"Come on Mikhael, this is definitely Ceria Roscare. She looks like a carbon copy of the late Duchess and has the shining blonde hair of Duke Roscare. You can see Celeste's face in hers too."
I looked up at her like a lost duckling to its mother duck that found it. Finally, a person talking sense!
"Kayla, magic has gotten advanced. You of all people should know this. Her personality is completely opposite of what Ceria acts like. Anyone with money could make themselves look like her, though this.. imposter had done quite the bad job."
The prince looked at me distastefully. He really thought me to be an imposter. I guess he was right.. But this was the real Ceria's actual body.
"I truly am Ceria Roscare. My servants can account for me!" I declared.
"Your servants huh? Well where are they?" He asked, a smug expression on my face.
That was a good question. Where was my beloved maid Lyra and Wilfred?!

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