Chapter 6

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I stayed in the room for a long time until I felt like he should be gone.

Then I quietly opened the door and tiptoed to go get myself some water.

As i reached the fridge I saw my parents room light on and knew I had to hurry befoee anyone came out.

I turned around and almost dropped my glass.

"Why are you still here" I whispered.

He walked over and stood in front of me,examining my appearance and I felt very self conscious.

I looked down and he lifted my head up as I played with the end of my sleeve.

I couldn't look into his eyes,so I tried to find a spot on his forehead close enough to make it seem like I was looking at them.

He smirked and pushed his hair back.


"Don't be shy. You kicked me remember? That should be a good way to start off a great friendship" he said.

I tried my best not to smile but I couldn't help it.

He's so handsome and very close to me.

He stepped back and I let out a sigh,but instantly covered my mouth when I realized it.

He smiled and I felt my heart jump at the beautiful sight.

My dad walked out of his room and I backed up quickly.

"Ah,Gabriel. So nice to see you again. I see you've met my youngest daughter Camilla. Camilla this is one of my business partners' son. He will be sticking with us for a while" dad said.


" Well nice to meet you. Im going to go now" I said,turning around quickly to pick up my phone and walking into the room closing the door.

Lyla knew something was going on and she smiled.

I looked away and layed on my bed with my face buried in my pillow.

She came over and layed next to me and slightly lifted my head up.

I couldn't help but smile and she laughed.

"I knew it! You like him" she said,poking the side of my stomach to tickle me.

I tried to shake my head 'no' but she put her hands on the sides of my head and shook it 'yes'.

I gave up,sat up and finally patted next to me on my bed for her to sit and talk.

"I knew you liked him. When you kicked his seat I almost ran out and left you. But I knew it would turn out to be something wonderful by the way he didn't say anything to you then" she said.

Now that I think about it she might be right.

He just looked at me and sat back down,which at the time didn't bother me.

Since I was already trying to get off of the plane I guess I just didn't recognize it at the time.

"Well yeah I guess you're right. But just because I like him doesn't mean he likes me back you know. It could just be another one sided short love story for me again. As usual" I said.

The reality of my luck with relationships kicked in and I decided to give up before anything started.

I layed back down and grabbed my phone to watch something random on YouTube,but Lyla took my phone before I could click on anything.

"I am not going to let you give up so easily. You never do that and now that you're afraid of another heartbreak you can put that to good use. All you have to do is find out if you even like him like I think you do. And if you don't,you can just be friends. But it makes no sense to go through life afraid of what could be or what could have been. Especially if you don't even give it a try" she said.

She's right.

I smiled and sat up to give her a big hug.

"Thanks sis. You're the best" I said.

We watched Netflix for a long time and it started to get dark.

I picked up my phone to scroll through Snapchat and I saw a snap story of a couple making food and thought of something.

"But what's going on with you and your boyfriend? How are you two supposed to make this work if you don't know when you can see eachother?" I asked.

She looked down and I instantly felt terrible,already knowing what she's going to say next.

"He broke up with me for Ezmay. But it's okay. I saw it coming a while back when someone else sent me a picture of those two together on a date. I asked them Botha bout it and they said it was a 'friendly get together'. I'm not stupid but hey,at least I know what I was getting myself into and I stayed to protect his heart when he really didn't care about mine in the first place" she said.

I felt bad.

Worse than I already did.

I just hugged her and we layed down as she cried and I held her close.

I wiped her tears after she fell asleep and slowly moved my arms from around her.

I tucked her into the sheets and layed next to her,turning off the tv and light as I layed down.

Tomorrow is going to be a very interesting day.


I wake up to a loud banging sound and I realize someone is knocking on our room door.

I get up to see who it is and I'm ready to let out some not-so-nice words.

I open the door and feel really annoyed for some reason.

"Good morning Camilla. Your dad says he needs you and your sister to be downstairs in 30 minutes. He has something very important to tell you all" Gabriel said.

"Morning. And okay. Tell him we're coming" I said,closing the door before he can say anything else and walking over to my sister to wake her up.

She got up and I waited for her to use the bathroom first,as I put on my daily motivational podcast.

She came out and I freshened up and we both met in the kitchen.

"You ready?" I asked.

She nodded and we both made our way downstairs.

Once we got there we sat down on the couch across from dad and he smiled.

"Good morning my beautiful daughters. I have something that I would like to share with you both. But,I need one of you to help me with it" he said.

We looked at eachother and back a dad.

He came and sat closer to us as he lowered his voice slightly.

"I need one of you to help me find something very important. I can't tell you what it is,but I can tell you that I need one of you to go on a date with Gabriel and he will take care of the rest" he said.

Oh gosh.

Lyla smiled and pointed at me.

"She can go dad. I have a lot of work that I have to finish still and she's not going to school right now so she has enough time to help before the semester starts" she said.

I wanted to laugh so bad but I tried to control myself.

She's not in school. She quit last year because she found out one of her ex's was now the teacher.

I smiled at dad and nodded.

"Well great! It's settled then. Camilla you will help me and I will make sure to repay you for your time" he said.

"Um do know you don't have to do that right?" I said.

"Oh yes,I know. But I want to. You volunteered to help and I'm so proud of you" he said.

I smiled and we continued talking for a long long time.

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