Chapter 7

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Once dad finished telling Lyla and I about the plans,he called Gabriel over and told him to sit next to me.

Dad explained what he wanted Gabriel to do and I listened very carefully,to make sure he wouldn't have to do anything that would make things more awkward than they already are.

Then dad turned to me and nodded.

"Okay. So everything is set,you both know what to do,and if anything goes wrong just call me and I will be there. I'm already going to be watching you from the cameras and I will have some of my men around the area for protection" he said.

We nodded and said our goodbyes as we left the building,with me blindfolded once again of course.

We got into a vehicle and drove off.

It didn't take long for us to stop and Gabriel tilted my head towards him next to me to quickly take off the blindfold.

We got out and made our way to the small bakery that dad told us to come to,and ordered the exact meals he said to get.

We waited inside for our food and as we got it made our way back outside and sat at a table under an umbrella.

We put our things down on the table first and took off our coats.

Just before Gabriel sat down his phone rang and I noticed the caller id said "My Wife".

He declined the call and I felt my face frown.

"You aren't going to answer that?" I asked.

He looked the other way and shook his head 'no'.

I sound it really weird but didn't push it as we continued eating.

Once I was done I stood up to put my wrappers in the trash and walked back over.

I saw a man in a black hoodie at the table behind us staring at me from behind a newspaper.

That's not normal.

I pulled out my phone and acted like someone had called me as I stood in front of Gabriel.

"Hello?....we're coming dad. We'll be there soon" I said.

"We have to go home. Dad says he needs us to do something" I said.

We walked to the side of the building and I texted him what just happened as we walked quickly to an unknown road.

I pretended to take pictures and videos of us as I looked behind me in my camera to see if the man was following us,and he was.

My heart sped up and Gabriel noticed it too.

He took us into a store and grabbed a cart as we walked through the store.

He made sure to only go where many people were at and I wondered where dads people were.

"If you see him,don't look. I'm watching" Gabriel said.

I nodded and he picked up some things and put them in the cart.

We walked over to the check out line and I recognized the lady from somewhere,I just couldn't remember from where.

We put our things in bags and left the store.

I still didn't know where the man was but I knew he was following us again.

His face was covered with a mask so I couldn't make out who he was,but the energy didn't feel right.

We walked to a black suv and 2 men got out and guarded us from behind.

We got into the vehicle and they stayed outside as 5 more men stayed inside with us and we drove off.

This is so weird. I don't think I can do this.

Of course,Gabriel put the blindfold back on me and we drove through rocks again then stopped.

It didn't seem like it was very far from where we were and I started to get ideas.

He tapped my shoulder and I heard a ripping noise of some sort.

"Stay here. Don't move no matter what happens. If you hear anything that doesn't sound right,take the blindfold off but still stay in the car until I come back for you. Understand?" He said.

I nodded and he got out of the car.

This felt so..wrong..but for some reason I trusted him so I did as he said.

I heard something bump into the car door and I quickly took off the blindfold and looked out of the windows.

But I couldn't see anything.

It looked as if some of the guys were blocking the windows and I got frustrated.

I can take care of myself.

I looked around in the front seat for anything that I can use to help myself do something useful,I don't exactly know what's going on but I'm not just going to sit here and do nothing.

Just as my eyes rested on a crowbar underneath the passenger's seat,the drivers side door flew open and Gabriel climbed inside in a rush.

"What is going on? I'm not going to sir here and-"

"Just wait okay! I know you can see there's something going on but you need to let us do our job right now and follow directions. We are supposed to protect you no matter what and if you don't listen to what we say we will be in deeper trouble than you could possibly think of. So just sit there and wait until I tell you to come out" he said angrily.

I realized he was right and I felt bad for making things worse on him.

I sat back into the seat and just looked around,hoping I could catch a glimpse of what was going on outside of the car.

Gabriel was loading something on a weird looking laptop and it pulled up a black and green screen with waves.

I've never seen anything like that before but then I saw a small green dot appear then disappear as it got closer to the middle of the screen.

"Camilla I need you to work with me here. When I open the door I need you to move as fast as you can and into the other vehicle. Can you do that?" He said,looking back at me.

I nodded and so did he.

Once the green dot got half way,Gabriel loaded his weapon and rushed out of the car again.

I quickly moved towards the door so I can be ready for him to open it.

He came to the door and when he opened it he put a black coat over me and rushed me into the vehicle next to us,which wasn't more than 3 feet away.

I was about to get in when someone pulled Gabriel from behind and slammed the car door shut.

It was raining and I couldn't see much with it also being a bit dark on top of me being covered with a coat.

I tried to reach out for him as I let out a panicked scream and tried to open the door again but it was locked.

The windows were tinted but I had a feeling that whoever was in the car wasn't here to help us.

I tried to get back into the previous vehicle but I slipped on a rock and fell on my back.

You have got to be kidding me.

I tried to get up but someone pulled me up from underneath my arms.

I tried to walk back to where I was going but someone stopped me and put something over my eyes so I couldn't see.

"What are you doing!? Who are you!?" I yelled.

The rain was pouring harder now and I could barely hear anything.

Just then I heard a loud clicking sound and a wave of panic ran through my body.

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