Chapter 8

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I felt someone grab my arms and pull them behind my back,which hurt so bad I let out a loud scream and tried to get away.

It didn't work,and I could hear someone walking and clapping from behind me but I couldn't see who.

"I finally caught up to you. Seems like you aren't as smart as you thought Miss Camilla" the man said.

His voice wasn't familiar at all,but I could only think of one person that it could be.

My thoughts were confirmed when he walked in front of me and took off the fabric that was over my head,and there stood the man who was following us.

"Really!? What do you want? Why were you following us?" I asked.

He smiled and motioned for someone to come over from behind me.

Another man in all black walked up with a suit case and the man opened it up to show me something.

He pulled out a large box of pictures that looked like they've been through a lot of trouble.

He opened the box and pulled some out.

I didn't want to look at first then I decided that I should since I did want to try to find some way to figure out what he wanted.

I looked down and my body froze.

There were pictures of my dad and brothers carrying bodies and putting them into the trunk a of 2 cars.

I felt sick and had to look away to stop myself from throwing up.

"Why look away now? It's not like you aren't going to see it soon. This is what they do. I followed you to warn you of the dangers ahead of you if you aren't willing to agree to my terms" he said.

I looked at him angrily but before I could say anything he raised his hand.

"Before you say anything you might regret,listen to and think about what I am proposing. If you help me find out where they took my family,I will help you in return. Anything you want I will give to you. But only if you agree" he said.

That did sound like a good deal.

My brothers and dad shouldn't have taken his family no matter what they did and I don't know why or who they are but I'm going to find out.

"Can I at least have some time to think about it?" I asked.

He sighed and thought for a few seconds.

"Fine. But after 48 hours I will do everything myself and when I do it,none of you will like what I have in mind. Do not disappoint me" he said,placing a small phone into my pocket.

He walked off and I saw Gabriel behind him being held by men twice his size and I felt bad that he has to be in the middle of this because of my family.

"Let him go" I said.

The man waved his hand and the men let go of Gabriel who ran over to me.

The people who were holding me let go as well and they all walked off and got into another black vehicle.

"We need to talk" I said sternly,as I walked over to our vehicle and let myself in.

I knew my brothers and dad did some questionable things but this..I could have not imagined.

It hurt to believe that any of this could be true but I don't know what to think right now.

But I know how I can possibly find out.

Gabriel got in and so did the other men and I made sure to scoot all he way over to the left side as if I was angry with him.

"So,did you know about my family taking his? Or was this all just something else you were payed not to tell me" I said,glaring at me hoping this would work.

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