Chapter 32

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After I got myself ready and put my new jewelry on, I was about to walk out of the bathroom when I noticed a cardboard box on the counter with my name written on it in big black marker.

I walked closer to it and opened it with my key that I had on the counter.

I unwrapped it slowly and made sure to be careful since I didn't know what it was.

It had a weird smell and I was about to just leave it there until I saw diamonds.

I finished unwrapping it and realized it was a royal blue purse with diamonds on it.

"All this blue..what is going on?" I whispered to myself.

Someone knocked on the bathroom door and I grabbed the purse, the box and opened the door.

"You okay?" Jesse asked.

"Yes of course. Are you?" I said.

He nodded and stared at me.

"What? Is there something on my face?" I said, about to turn around to face the mirror until Jesse turned my face back to his.

"No. Nothing is on your face Camila. You just look so....gorgeous. You're so beautiful and I'll tell you that until the end of time" He said.

I blushed and looked down at my ring.

"Thank you Jesse" I said.

He kissed my forehead and went into the bathroom.

He slowly closed the door but watched me with a smirk on his face as he did so.

I quickly turned around when I realized what he was doing and I heard him laugh and the door close completely.

"Well well well. Someone looks like they're having a good time" Rome teased.

I smiled and walked back to the front room.

"Yes. He knows what he does to me. It's just..ah I don't know what the word for it is" I said.

" love?" Lyla asked.

I started at her for a few seconds and my eyes widdened.

" might be" I whispered.

I looked around to see if he was around and I saw Rome in the corner smirking at us.

"Oh hush. And don't tell him either. I want to figure out what I'm feeling for sure before I go to him about it" I said.

They both nodded and that didn't satisfy me at all.

"No. That's not enough. Pinky promise me you wont tell him or anyone else anything about my feelings for Jesse" I said, holding both of my pinkies out for them to promise.

Rome walked over slowly and looked confused.

"Okay....but what is a pinky promise?" He asked.

Lyla and I dramatically gasped and he laughed.

"I have never heard of that before" he said.

"Wowww. I feel bad for you. You've been missing out on a lot for sure" Lyla said.

"Well that's true. So why don't you show me?" He said.

I laughed at the way his voice smoothed at the end and I just knew he liked Lyla.

"That was the most hilarious thing I've seen all day" I said.

He smiled and walked up to us.

"Okay. So a pinky promise is where you take your pinky and either you or someone else makes a promise with you and you both basically shake pinkies. It's like a handshake but with pinkies and it's much more sacred. We've been doing it our whole lives" I explained.

He nodded and walked back to his room.

"Alright good to know. Thank you. I'm going to get ready" he said.

We nodded and sat on the couch.

" has it been here for you really? Have you ran into many problems or?.." Lyla asked.

"No. Not really. I met Jesse at the airport on the way here and we've been close since then. It was really hard at first with almost everything being so different but I got used to it" I said.

She smiled and hugged me.

"I'm so proud of you sis. But oh we have to go see the rest of the family before we go" she said, standing up abruptly.

I smiled and shook my head as she skipped towards the door.

Jesse came out of the room with a towel around his waist and I quickly looked away.

"Why's you look away? Don't I look nice?" He asked.

I cleared my throat and walked over to Lyla.

"W-yes..but I have to go. I'll be back" I said.

"Where are you going? And how long will it take you? So I know to get dressed now or not" he said.

"We'll be 2 doors down to the right. I'm taking her to see the rest of our family who came with me. And yes, you should get dressed since it won't take us too long" Lyla said.

"Alright" Jesse said.

We walked out and headed towards the door.

I walked slowly behind Lyla and tried to gather my thoughts.

I know this is my family's been a while since I've seen them or talked to them..I don't know how they're going to react or what I should and shouldn't say right now.

Lyla noticed me walking slow and stopped just before the door.

"What's wrong Cam?" She asked.

"What if they don't want to talk to me? I know you all came here together but you could have completely different feelings about being here than they do. I don't want to-"

"No no no Cam calm down. I can't tell you they don't want to talk to you because that's not true. I also can't tell you they really want to talk to you or they really don't because only they know that themselves. But what I can tell you is we've all been a family our whole lives and you needed space. We all understand that. We just want you to know and understand that you will have us no matter what and we'll always be at your side. Especially me. Nothing can ever break our bond sis" she said.

I hugged her and took a deep breath.

"Okay. Thank you Lyla. I'm ready now. Or as ready as I'll be" I said.

She smiled, took my hand and knocked on the door.

I hadn't noticed until now that I heard noises coming from inside.

It sounded like kids playing and screaming.

The door opened and mom smiled at me.

"Oh honey" she said, hugging me tightly.

"Hi mom" I said.

I tried my best to hold on tears but it was getting harder to do by the second.

I missed my family so much.

But I also don't know how my brothers are going to take this.

"Come in come in" mom said.

We walked in and I saw 2 young boys playing with toys on the floor by the bed.

"Who are they?" I asked.

Mom looked at Lyla and she looked at me.

"What's going on?" I asked.

Mom sighed and came closer and put her hands on my shoulders.

"They're your brothers Camila".

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