Today was bad but i can write to make it good

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I could feel the movement of the car it was 3 am and I was sitting in the passenger seat of a car .

If you were to ask me who was driving I couldn't tell you even if I tried at each moment that seemed to fit them best
My best friend
My partner
My sibling blood or not
But I wasn't focused on that
All I could think about was how free the early morning sky made me feel . The soft grays and light yellows just peaking out of the horizon . I could feel the bass of the song that had been playing on loop since I started this dream like state .
It all felt surreal as if something out of a Pinterest post . The perfect set up of monochromatic shades that fit and blended into a calm scene .

And of course I knew this wasn't real that at some point I would have to come back from the depths of my mind and back to the present
But for now I was safe sitting in the leather seats of  this warm car driving to nowhere
And I was okay with that . I was tired of living every day going 100miles a minute it was nice to have nowhere to be for once no rush to move on to the future I was just here
And that was good enough for me

When I am brought back to the present it is gonna be loud
The exact opposite of the calm realm I am in
The real world is gonna go back to being as fast as possible
But right now I was content with cruising this empty non existent highway with the people I care most about .

I came here to slip away and that's what happened I got to have my break but there were real people who needed me in the real world .
And just this once I told myself that

They could wait .

The end
(A/N , I wrote this cause today was a horrible day and I zoned out listening to LA devotee by panic at the disco and I put my feelings into words.)

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now