Small victories

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I win
Just this once I win
You have burned me to my wick
Destroyed all of myself esteem
Made me believe I deserved pain and sadness
You've hurt me so much
Caused me so much agony
But tonight
I win
And this doesn't mean your a good person
It doesn't  mean you are  forgiven for the way you burned me
This one victory doesn't erase the war I've been fighting
It doesn't end it either
It just means that
I have finally gotten the bare minimum
And it's sad that I count it as a victory now but that doesn't matter because for once you have no power over me you can't control this outcome
So yea I win tonight
And you'll probably win the next thousand times
But this one battle
Ended in victory for me
And I assure you that
I will win this war
Cause unlike you I have hope
I have people to keep that hope alive
So tonight I win
I live on
And I will never forget this
Cause Thai is the day I claim my victory
A small one at that
But a

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now