Guilty as charged

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When did it all reach to a point
Where I feel guilty
For taking care of myself ?
The assignments
The drama
The feeling of forcing out all the fake happiness I can just so my fellow students don't get a glimpse of what is happening In my mind
But why do I deserve a break ?
There are a million people who need
A break
So why do I deserve one ?
Why do I feel guilty if I do take one
My grades are fine
I'm on top of all assignments
So taking a break won't affect me
Right ?
I'm too worried about everything
I feel as if I take any moment to just breathe
Then I will be smothered by
The fast pace of the school system
Sometimes I think about how
How did it get this bad
When did I become a puppet
Forced to move and do whatever the
One who holds my strings wants me to do
Assignment after assignment
Deadline after deadline
Until my strings snap and I am left
Lifeless on the floor
So I'll be your puppet and I'll let you move
Me till my break because if I don't
I am deemed a failure
A drop out
A lost cause
All because I couldn't take
The constant pressure
And they say that diamonds
Emerge from coal if the pressure
Is high enough
But we are the opposite
I was a diamond
I had a shine and I was beautiful
But that wasn't enough
So you applied pressure
More and more
Until I wasn't that
Shining diamond anymore
I was reduced
To coal
Heavy , ashy
My lungs are thick with
The sediment
All because you thought
Pressure was the answer
Your honor , I plead guilty
Guilty of needing a break
Guilty of being human
Guilty of  imperfection
And you sentenced me
To a punishment unfit
For somebody young
Someone so Innocent
I am no longer a diamond but
A piece of coal and it is your fault
For pushing me till my strings snapped
For reverting me to my original form
Just so you could say you saved me
When in truth you turned me back into
What I once was
Your hands are soaked in
Invisible blood
And tangled in
Millions of strings
For we are the puppets and you
Are the master
But I have answered to my
So for once answer for yours
Because you are the
Worst villain of

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now