Forgotten for your convienience

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I get left out
I get forgotten about
I get talked about straight to my face
But I stay because I am scared to be alone
I stay because I already lost people who I called
Friends as well
Because staying is better than leaving
because things could always get worse but they aren't
So I might as well stay  while things are good
And I listen to the infighting between everyone and I see what goes on
Behind the scenes
Every fight
Or argument
I see everything
Yet I am still left out
Because they would rather be fake with each other then have
A real conversation with a person who wants to be there
But no I am still in the background helping your friend ship grow while our own
Disappears in front of my own
And I can never be sure
If you'll stay or leave like the rest
I thought I finally found a group
One that gets me
One that understands each other
And I hope it works out
And if it doesn't there are still others who care
And if it ends I was lucky
Lucky to have someone for awhile
Lucky to get to experience the good days with people who were once my closet friends
And hopefully it won't be soon
But if it is
And you leave
Please remember that I
Will always care about you no matter
The hurt you have caused
The way you forget me
Cause you deserve someone
That cares for you

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now