6 feet under

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Did it ever occur to you that maybe
I needed you
Just as much as they did
Maybe I needed
A hug
For you to fucking care
Just once
Could you give a shit

And I'm only asking you for one tiny moment of care it doesn't have to be a day or a month or even a full year
Just one moment
Then you can go back to discarding me
To the side
And all your attention can go back to the others
And I'll go back to watching you love them
With every fiber in you being
Because they matter
They have needs
They want things
Because they are more important
And that's okay
I won't take up too much of your time and energy
I'll go back to being a blank space in your lives
All I ask is for you to give me one moment of care
So I can convince myself that you do
One moment
Of pretending on your part so that I can
Tell myself that I did good
So that that the constant pressure I feel can be lifted
And it's always hurt
To see you stand behind the others and be their pillar then looking behind me
The only thing holding me up when the waves of life crash down
Is myself
And that's perfectly fine
I'm independent
I'm creative
I know how to take care of myself
I've seen the real world while you shelter the others

Sometimes I like to think about how things might have been if you did care
Maybe I would have nicer things
Maybe I wouldn't cry at the smallest form of affection or praise

But then I remember how much I have earned for myself
I've worked long and hard
Days and months full of tears and blood
Just to survive
You thought you dug my grave when you let me go
But instead I just clawed my way out from underground
And on the way I found so much
And healing
I am undead
But I have lived more
And survived more
Than anything you could have given me
6 feet deep is nothing
To me anymore
If you want to destroy me
Forget that I exist
Then your gonna have to dig
Way farther
Cause I'll resurface
You cannot
Silence me

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