Oh the moon

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There are crickets chirping around me . The night sky is only blue the little white flecks of stars filling it . I'm sitting on a wooden swing that is hung on a large oak tree . I can feel the rough edges of the rope against my palms . The air is cool but not cold .
But something is missing
I get up from my swing and I walk into the tall grass that surrounds the tree . With each step fireflies scatter into the air
Another step
And another
And another
Until I am running , searching for what's missing
The fireflies swarm into the air as if they are joining the stars they trail behind me
And I run
And run
And run
And before I knew it
I was back at the tree but instead of just one swing
There are two
And now I know what's missing
It's not a thing , or an object , or a feeling
No the thing that was missing
Was  a person
I was stuck by this feeling of loneliness , and now the night air was cold it froze me to my bones the fireflies all went dark
I was alone
It was dark and cold and I was alone and all I could about was the one person I want
To talk to the most
Isn't there
And I don't know where they went , is it my fault they aren't here ? Or am I alone again
Like I was before
I sit back down on the swing and stare at the one next to it
At least the fireflies are still here , but when I look up they're gone too
And all I can do is look up to the moon , the only light left in this dark , dark place
And ask
" where has it all gone ?"

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