My porcelain face is cracking

3 0 0

Each broken part sewn together
Carefully by my shaky hands
But you come and take my thread
And pull
Pull until I'm broken into more pieces than before
And then you yell
And yell
And yell
Because how dare I be broken
What about you ?
What about your happiness?
Why should I be sad
If you are living your best life
How dare I feel
How dare I have the nerve
To pick up a needle and thread and rebuild my self
Because what about you
Because this time it wasn't about
I was there when you couldn't trust your self to be alone
I held you when everything was impossible to bear

You are the sun of your own universe
The center of all
In truth your just a star
Just like everyone else

You burn my thread
Keeping me from putting myself back together
Preventing me from healing

And when I finally get the pieces back in the same place
You'll come
Because you were naive and got hurt and as soon as I help
Put you in one piece

You'll open my stitches
Run salt in the wounds
And yell

Until you need help again
Because when you do
I'll be your number

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now