Caught in the shadow

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I can't see the sun
It's dark
There's something blocking out the only light
I have
I don't know where to go
But that feeling is Familiar
It always has been
I'm constantly stuck
Torn between
Wanting more and finding my place
There is mediocrity in all I do
No task I complete is ever fully correct
But it's good enough to pass off as
" ok"
I float aimlessly between groups
Never knowing where I belong
The silhouette that blocks my sun
Isalso familiar
It carries thousands of pounds of weight
That I seem to bear
But no matter my efforts
I will never reach to level this shadow casts
Upon me
And the looks of disappointment
Bring me sorrow because if I could
Look in a mirror my face would carry
The same expression
I'm supposed to be better than this
Yet I can never seem to figure out
What I'm supposed to do
No matter how much instruction
I am given the wires of my brain
Don't connect
I draw blank after blank about things I should know
Where do I belong ?
The shadow seems to taunt me m
Mocking my lack of skill
It crushes me
The pressure
Makes me crumble to the floor
And now I must decide
Should I get up and hope I can lift the
Shadows weight ?
Or shall I stay in the floor
Destroyed by it's presence
If I rise
It might crush me again
But is it worth
The pain
Or should I let my self
Be trapped in the hood of
This shadow for good

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2023 ⏰

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