You never realize what glows until its gone

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I envy the ones who got to live
The ones who lived their whole lives
I don't hate them
I never could
It's not their fault they got an easier life
In fact I'm glad that others were given a chance to have a story different than mine
Cause all my life I have lived very little
Since I was 7 all I knew was to
And yes I did live
It was happy before it got worse
It was bright before life got dark
But maybe it was never actually bright
What if my eyes were just flashlights illuminating the positive because I couldn't bear to acknowledge that there was darkness
And when I was 7
The flashlights started to flicker
And they got
And dimmer
And dimmer
They turned off
And all the things that I interpreted as positive
Were dark all along

and I soon found that the good things

even if the lights were off

would glow

for the longest time I have survived , I long to be able to live but I can't
Not yet at least
There are some days where
I don't want to live
I don't want to survive
And maybe today is one of those days
Because I'm pushing myself
So far
Just to give my life some purpose
I push and push until I'm at the edge of my rope
Because maybe if  I do
I'll show others that I'm not made of glass
I can prove to myself that I have a purpose
And one day I'll glow
I'll glow like the stars
And the rain
And all the things that have brought me joy
But not yet
I won't live
Or glow
I'll just survive
And for now
I'm ok with that
Because one day
I'll get the chance to be
Something that glows
In someone else's story
And only then will I
Begin to

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now