I dont know what i did

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I'm sorry
For whatever I did to make you
Hate me
I'm sorry for feeling emotions that upset you
I'm sorry I couldn't live up to your
It's all my fault I guess
I was distant
I got angry
I was human
But unlike you
I apologize
Is there any way to convince you
That I'm never gonna be
Who you want ?
I'm sorry you can't deal with change
I'm sorry your a shitty person
I'm sorry you had a hard life but
Why do you take it out in me ?
Why do you give the same life to me
When you know how much you hated it
I'm sorry that you ignored my injuries
And now put the blame on me
And I wonder why
Why don't you care
Why don't you want to be
Apart of my life
Why do you stay so closed minded
When there are so many opportunities
To learn more
But why do you blame me for it
Is it my fault your life isn't what you wanted ?
Is it my fault that your day didn't go well ?
Is it my fault that you make mistakes ?

I don't know what I did
To deserve
Your hate
And Problems
I was only a kid
Not your therapist
But you are to ashamed to
Go in the first place
So you continue on this generational trauma
And blame everything on me
Cause some how
It's my fault
And I guess it's ok
Atleast it's me and not some person
Who actually has a life
So I guess I am sorry
For all I did to upset you
Is that what you want to hear ?
That you were
Right all along
That it was my fault
That your issues are a result of me
Being alive ?
Is this what you wanted to hear ?
I was made of glass and you shattered
Into millions of pieces
I was so broken that by the
Time someone put me back together
I was unrecognizable
From who I was before
So congratulations
You broke me
Your the reason
I hate my birthday
Your the reason why I
Give up
I give up on
Pleasing you
Fixing you
Helping you
And I'm sorry
That I didn't do a better job
And I'm sorry you aren't living
The life you hoped for
But is it really my fault
For the decisions you've made ?
You taught me that anything good
Came with a negative consequence
That I could never be fully satisfied
Because something bad would come with it
But it's not true
That is only what you have felt all your life
That is what you taught yourself
And now you force it on me
Because you think you
Are always right
But your not
And you can't see past your own ego
Enough to be a decent fucking person
For once
But maybe your right about one thing
Maybe I was a good thing for you
And you didn't care
But when I'm gone and you have no one
To hurt anymore
That is your consequence
Because you were to busy hating me
To raise me
And you will only realize
My Importance
When I am gone
And I  don't Know what I did to you
I may never
But all I know is that I had to put
Myself back together with my own two hands
As a result of your
Blindness to your own issues
And you broke me
So many times
And I had to place each peace back together
Sometimes I had help
Or times like right now where I was alone
And I pick each piece up
And hope one day
I finally find out what I did to you
To make you hate me
But until then
I guess I'm just

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now