Those words mean nothing

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Is this what I'm for ?
Is my only purpose to you a scapegoat for your issues
You hurt me
You are the one who has taken my wings
Burned me
Caused me pain
And I'm supposed to believe when you say

"Sorry "

That one word is going to
Magically make everything ok
But if I say that I don't forgive you
Then I'm the villain
I'm the monster
So I have to accept
And then I'm number 1 again
I'm the one you go to to
And scream
And let your pain out
Cause you trust me
Right ?
It is this just a ploy
Another lie to gain my trust
Just so you can destroy it all over again
Because that's my only use
That's my job
To make you feel better
Until you are so happy you have no use for me
And when my use it up
You burn me again
And again
Until I am ash
Because why else would I exist
If not to make everyone feel better
Cause no matter what
You always come back
Because you are always
" sorry "
But you never really
Mean it
Do you ?
It's just so you can feel better
About your horrible personality

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now