Close my eyes and brace for impact

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Your mouth spits bullets
And they leave wounds
I am covered in scars
From your firing
And I let you
Cause I see your pain and I know
That under everything
You need as much help as I do
So I let you pull the trigger
Until your out of amo
Till you feel better
You don't want to take care of me
So I take care of you
Cause maybe if I'm good enough for you
You'll mean it
When you tell me that you care
And the bullets never
Leave they're stuck in my skin
Growing with me
Becoming a part of who I am
You say you do everything for me
So that I can be happy
Then please
Get help for me
Learn how your bullets affect others
These metaphorical scars aren't metaphorical
Before the blood I shed
Isn't a symbol it's the real thing
Heal for me
Then maybe I can consider you safe
Maybe we can talk again
But you have lost your place as family and it
Be open

But you won't
You won't heal
You won't get help
Your pride and ego blind you
But your shots never miss
They hit me where you know it will hurt the most
My head
Al your bullets make it to my brain eventually and they won't leave
Each word you fire
Sits heavy their until I can't

And I sometimes think
Why me?
And I can't answer that
I never will be able to

Bet let me get something clear
Learn the weight of your words
Know the range your bullets will go
Because they will never become real for me
The scars
The hurt
The pain
They are all invisible
But what will you do when they aren't anymore
You don't know what your words do
They hurt and restrict
And leave you in more pain than the last
I hope you learn
Because you won't ever see me fall no matter how many bullets you fire
Not matter the amount you reload and fire
I will stand tall
Cause I want you to feel better
Take your anger out on me
So others never see it
I will never understand your logic
I just know that
Maybe one day you'll see it all
The scars
The wounds you've created
And any words I have on my tongue will
Only be
Words of confidence and power
But they will be controlled
Because unlike you
I know when to stop firing
I know how to soften my bullets impact
I know when to not fire
But you
You never will
You'll fire
Look me in my eyes
And pull the trigger

For now ... I will be okWhere stories live. Discover now